ROLL THE DICE?! Master Saga SEASON 3 #9 ft. Farfa

Welcome to Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Saga Season 3! @Farfa and I have reset our accounts once again, and this time we’re introducing several new rules, too! Tune in every Wednesday for new episodes of Master Saga Season 3!

Current Banned List:
Accesscode Talker
Destiny HERO – Destroyer Phoenix Enforcer
Dinowrestler Pankratops
Divine Arsenal AA-ZEUS – Sky Thunder
Eldlich the Golden Lord
Knightmare Unicorn

Current Limited List:
Solemn Judgment
Virtual World Roshi – Laolao
World Legacy Pawns
World Legacy Survivor


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30 thoughts on “ROLL THE DICE?! Master Saga SEASON 3 #9 ft. Farfa”

  1. I appreciate that Doug isn't annoyingly competitive and is willing to have fun at his own expense. The series is for fun after all, why not get a little crazy? Very based move IMO. Lol such fun.

  2. Maybe I'm the only one who thinks this kind of regulation is very annoying. Seems like they just wait the next episode for playing the real stuff. And I'm pretty sure was better for Doug to go for Eldlich than losing another week trying to play a bad deck in Lightsworns

  3. I don't know why everyone's sleeping on a Relinquished deck. Thousand-Eyes Restrict is awesome, Relinquished Fusion is awesome, Millennium-Eyes Restrict is awesome, and Anima is phenomenal. Standard Relinquished is fine if you have any kind of ritual support, or any cards you want in your GY. Tribbing Benten for Relinquished only to then add a Manju and then do the big succ is strong as hell. The whole strategy works INCREDIBLY well with cards like Lava Golem and the Kaijus…and to top it all off, every non-golem, non-kaiju card I just mentioned is either DARK or LIGHT (though there are DARK and LIGHT kaiju too…just not all of them), meaning that you can splash Chaos into the deck extremely easily to top it off. I get that Toontastic shares Relinquished stuff with the toons (and the two archetypes literally have no synergy), but outing an opponent's board while building your own at the same time is incredibly powerful in limited…and I had no trouble getting a Relinquished/Kaiju deck into Diamond 1 constructed MD. You don't even need absurdly good pulls…just decent ones…and there have already been pulls from the archetype that have just been dismissed every time.

  4. I hope konami realises how much the player amout goes up after your vid release. But shortly after it drops bc people playing no fun decks and maybe drop an aditional duelmode

  5. Was excited for lightsworn. I have played highlander Lightsworn. It's plenty playable with dougs cards. Instead he makes this strange machine deck. Oh well hopefully he makes a cool lightsworn deck next time.

  6. Doug, please answer me. This is the second time I’ve seen you do this but with a different card. WHY THE FUCK NOT SET THE IMPERM IN ONE OF HIS SET S/T COLUMNS!?!? This is the reason you lose a lot.

  7. Sorry to ask an unrelated question to this video, but I was hoping for some insight if you wouldn’t mind considering this for a future video?

    I run a Fossil Dyna anti-meta deck to slow the game down and give myself a chance. I was wondering if you could demonstrate how to create or utilize a fossil dyna deck to its fullest extent.

    I appreciate all your help in past videos & hope you’ll consider this for the not-to-distant future ❤️


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