ROCKSMITH ON PHONE? Rocksmith+ Mobile Review | Rocksmith Plus Mobile Reaction

Last week Ubisoft rolled out Rocksmith+ Mobile edition. In this Rocksmith+ Mobile Review I discuss the benefits and / or drawbacks of playing Rocksmith Plus on your Android or iOS device and discuss the options of connecting with Rocksmith Realtone cable or using an audio interface. Will Rocksmith+ Mobile be enough to change people’s minds on the software? Check out Chainbrain Rocksmith+ reaction!

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Thanks for watching the video ROCKSMITH ON PHONE? Rocksmith+ Mobile Review | Rocksmith Plus Mobile Reaction


46 thoughts on “ROCKSMITH ON PHONE? Rocksmith+ Mobile Review | Rocksmith Plus Mobile Reaction”

  1. i’m still hopeful for rocksmith plus, and since it is update-able then they could always add stuff and hopefully take consideration of opinions of fans of the game. i still plan to get rs+ eventually but i’m gonna wait a while to subscribe since a lot of stuff is still in beta.

  2. I just can't justify paying that much for so many songs I don't care about. I know what songs I want to play, and if they're going to charge that much per month, it's ridiculous that they didnt go through 2014 and the CLDC lists and go "huh that's what people want to play"

  3. They would really make a killing of getting more people on this if they can find a way to make it multiplayer base across the world to play songs in synch like clone hero does.

  4. Rocksmith 2014 will forever be the best. People ain’t gonna be paying a monthly subscription for a game that is inferior to 2014. Rocksmith + is a joke.

  5. I love the game. I instantly got the mobile version, and was mind blown at how well it worked on my old galaxy s9. They do need to fix the betas, abd add more features such as guitarcade, but they are consistently adding more every month.

    I've been playing Rocksmith since the original one, and I can say that there are more than enough heavy hitters. My playlist consists of over 200 songs, that range from many video games and memories in my life. Rocksmith 2014 only had 60 songs on release. And if I'm going to play a game, i would like 1000 over 100 on release, even for the $100 annual price. You might be surprised by a song you come across. I play this game every day, and am a level 242, beat that!

  6. This is an excellent review and video, Chain. If I played guitar, I would be interested in this, though I agree that they still need to expand Rocksmith+ more for the price tag.

  7. The tone of the opening of this video has "YouTuber apology energy" haha

    This thing could be the best thing on earth and make me Yngwie in three years, I'm not paying a hundred dollars a year for the thing.

  8. It’s interesting there’s no console version, as when I searched up rocksmith on my Xbox looking for dlcs rocksmith + actually comes up as an option to buy. Not sold on + yet tho

  9. I'm kind of shocked how good it works on my phone. I have a Moto g9 Play. It has a decent sized screen but isn't quite big enough to see all the details in the noteway, but I've been using rocksmith for like ten years so I can sightread pretty well. It does seem like it is more geared towards tablets.

    I used to use an old iPhone and an irig to do some on the road practice. Most android phones couldn't do anything close to real-time audio processing. It's really impressive that basically any device can run something like this now. You used to be stuck with overpriced apple or very specific Samsung devices.

    It's honestly kind of impressive that it's a virtually identical experience between PC and mobile. I would have expected a heavily watered down version for mobile.

    I do want to say that despite some of the perceived shortcomings of plus, the devs have been very responsive in implementing user suggestions since launch. Visual updates happen very frequently. In regards to the tab view, maybe one day we could see an option to choose either noteway or tab only view.

  10. Rocksmith on your phone? That's what I have unlimited data and youtube plus for.
    Also Rocksmith plus hud really sucks and is hard to read the notes.
    And this is from a guy who used Rocksmith to learn how to play almost snything asides arpeggios.

  11. This would be great for me not having a laptop currently, however I’ve literally just spent 2 seconds looking for bands I would like to play and none are in the library. How does Chain find all the songs he plays?

  12. I'm not going to pay monthly rather than pay once for the entire game.. sorry but not me. I'm really happy with RS2014 and I'll continue playing it, now even "on the go" with the Rog Ally..

  13. As primarily a rock/metal (and sometimes country😂) guitar player, the song selection in rocksmith+ just doesn't hit hard enough for me to justify the subscription. Why would I pay so much money for songs I dont give a shit about learning, whereas in RS 2014 I could just simply pay for the songs i want to learn or find deep cut tracks or stuff from smaller artists on customs forge. Hell, most of the time if I want to play rocksmith when I'm not at my pc setup, I'll pull up your or another content creator's videos and just play along to the youtube videos on my tablet and it suits my needs pretty much perfectly when I'm on the go.

    I dont get why Ubisoft didn't just relaunch 2014 and just call it Rocksmith Definitive addition and maintain all the same features and dlc pay models. That's pretty much what the community wanted and they didn't seem to give a shit.

  14. Ive been playing on PC occasionally. Much easier to use my audio interface on Rocksmith+ than Rocksmith 2014, but that's really all that's improved.
    Classic mistake of reinventing the wheel. I get it was made from a different team, but it still, after all these months, is hard to tell when you actually hit a note properly, contains an obscure catalog of songs to learn from, and overall just an incomplete and flawed product. It is good that it has started catering for mobile users, but the product itself is still very incomplete and not worth a monthly subscription.

  15. I just can't justify $20 a month for a library of songs I don't want to play. 2014 is a one off cost with cdlc really backing up an already great catalog. It does feel as though plus was designed for another group in mind than the rock/metal scene and that's cool, I'll keep to 2014 until something better comes along if it's not going to be rocksmith plus

  16. I will say that I never played Rocksmith before, even after being subbed to you on Twitch for years but, I downloaded this on my Galaxy S23 Ultra. It plays like a champ. Now – I don't, I suck, but it runs on my phone super smooth. Regardless of Rocksmith+ being good, bad, developed, underdeveloped…the fact that it RUNS as an app so well, that's a testament to what Ubisoft COULD be doing.

  17. Have put around 80 hours into rocksmith 2014 on ps5. I was excited when I first heard of rocksmith+ and the app but I'm really disappointed in the catalog and subscription model. I am probably just going to stick with 2014.

  18. I would love to support them but they aint got the songs and not having console support for when im too lazy to get behind my pc is a bummer.

    Maybe someday. But I kind of feel like they aren't hearing us.

  19. I did a review of my own last weekend when it was fresh out of the press on public release. I have the same issue as you on screen size, though my screen was probably a little smaller, iPhone SE2. I used it with my accustic guitar that I cannot use in the PC version without re-rigging everything. I can definitely see myself play the songs that are made for accustic (Dubliners, Smokey, Boston, etc). I had tab view open, so maybe I should close tab view on the mobile to get a larger note highway. Tried it first using the phone speaker but that was a doomed attempt, connecting the BT headset I use when commuting was more of a success though next time I will deactivate noise supression so I can hear the guitar better

  20. I honestly don't see the appeal of having software like Rocksmith on a mobile device. I was always weirded out with competitors like Simply Guitar and Simply Piano having no PC versions.
    The thing is – even if I'm traveling with a guitar, odds are I'll at the very least be able to carry something as large as a laptop as well. Rocksmith 2014's system requirements are so low that it works on my old Lenovo laptop from 2010 (Intel i5 CPU and Intel HD Graphics 4000 GPU). I even went as far as to take my laptop in my guitar case to my guitar teacher's place just to show him Rocksmith one time.
    So until someone invents a some sort of foldable electric guitar that I can fit into the front pocket of my cargo pants, I'll have absolutely no use for a mobile version of Rocksmith.

  21. I gotta say I actually enjoy the mobile version a whole lot more than the PC version. From the start it was clear the UI was meant for phones. It does not translate well to PC. However on the phone, it runs great, and depending on the screen size you have is very legible. But sadly it's still hamstrung by it's very limited library of songs you "want" to play.

  22. You beat me testing with a cable to adapter, but I did hear that works! I tested quietly and found an unplugged electric or unplugged semi-hollow right on the iPhone or iPad worked really, really well for tuning, but it was awful for song play. I agree on the zoom though. It looked really good, but the iPad play was a little small, and the iPhone play was so small it was ridiculous

  23. i actually like the Rocksmith+ tuner thats built in, like specially being a Floyd player i can just jump from 6-1-5-2 etc instead of the way RS makes you tune, in saying that, there are heaps of tuner apps in general but rating it just on that it is a good app tuner

  24. Yo! This might actually make the $15/mo worth it for me! I'm using a Samsung Galaxy S21fe BUT I have a Galaxy Tab s7 that I use as my main "productivity device". I've been using Guitar Pro to practice and learn new songs on my tablet but if I could use a dongle to plug my Realtone cable & get the full R+ experience on a nice big screen that would be so fun! I think with parents getting tablets for kids this could be a huge selling point. I'm just imagining a dad buying his kid an Amazon guitar and a year subscription to R+. That would be an easy win! I also agree that the guitarcade and tone designer would be the biggest things to take the mobile app to the next level. I guess the only thing left to do is make a USB C Realtone Cable.


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