Robin D. Bullock Special Message: There Is An 80-year-old Prophecy To Be Fulfilled
#RobinDBullock2022 #RobinBullockLive #RobinBullockProphecy



  1. Sir I dreamed I was in your home!! Snow storm outside blowing white picket fence bound by wire furiously!!! I was with you and yours. Different rooms had different meanings. It was drawn out like things have a place. It was scary. We moved to leave. I picked up your papers and Bible and followed you. You stopped and turned to me!!!! You said put on my shoes. The sooner I caught on the less you have to do. I felt your shoes being put on my shoes. It's tithing!!!!!! I'm a drunk. I'm drunk now. I'm sorry. I can't use most computers. My kids were gonna help me set it up. They know of God. But I've been a poor example. I'm cursed with a curse. Family badness. My family has been in church forever. I want to tithe. Break this thing on around me. Such and such. I want that for my babies. I'm done SIR. Paul Anthony wood…Porterville California. I dreamt a snowstorm. I asked God is this Russia? A star wS falling slowly. Average ppl.. were laying in the snow biting at there feet!! Pain. I don't want to see things I can't relate too. But you mention things I dream. Things that don't make sense. Sorry I know this must seem stupid. I know God put you in my path. I'm a drunk:( I'm trying.. I love your program. I'll tithe God pushing. Lol. I'm cursed with a curse. I believe you guys are so legit!!!! I'm sorry I'm dumb.. God matter what I'll keep trying. Paul Anthony wood..93257 Tulare County. I don't know what else to do

  2. There is no other way Robin but Our Precious Holy Father, Saviour and Holy Ghost!!! I had a dream that I visited my brother and looked up with Chinese troops shoulder to shoulder marching down the highway in front of his house…I think your dream is many will be fooled and you are going to see the Apostate church form. He showed me another dream with a fence down the middle of churches and said I will spew those out of my mouth that are lukewarm. I live in Northport Al…I want to meet you and your family could you pls note your new church address and service times? We will fight the good fight because He has already won the battle for us, We die, we die but yet we will live and have the Master to walk in the cool of the garden with!!! HalleluYah, Praise Him and let’s cover the state of Alabama, North South East and West!!! Shalom!!! Traveling blessings and the Blood Covering of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, I Declare and Decree in the Name and Authority of the Power of the Blood of Jesus Christ of Nazareth!!! Amen!!!

  3. Right on Robin. The man in the basement is himself a puppet of the soul of Nimrod, who ascended up to go into lawlessness. Yes, VP is against the nwo, so the dogs vilify him and try to isolate him. It was a shame Jehu didn't exploit what they had in common to bring the world-wide dogs to utter ruin. But when the King comes, Jehu will be crowned king of America. Imagine how the dogs' TDS will be magnified…….

  4. Speak LORD!!! Thy servants are listening. Many that are listening and many are hearing what you say. Many are called but few are chosen. A common man will be chosen by GOD to speak his will and do it. Many of you have become respecters of persons, giving those with mere letters after their names honor when they deserve none. Blessed is he that is a doer of GOD'S word.

  5. Seek the man of God that speaks plainly to the people. Seek the man that not only speaks GOD'S word but does GOD'S word. Further, GOD'S common man speaks, does, and teaches others to do GOD'S word. Prophets are being raised throughout the world to do that which GOD has decreed we perform.

  6. GOD is raising up women to Speak for him. Many men are willing but unable to act as fear has paralyzed their actions. Women, those that are chosen by God, will be bold with GOD'S word and speak as directed. The helpmate that GOD made is being raised up to carry the load that the man feels he is unable to carry.

  7. It absolutely makes sense for God to choose prophets to help his children to prepare and repent before Jesus comes back,God loves us he wants all of his children saved and praising him,Hallelujah! πŸ™β€οΈπŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ

  8. Lets talk about the lord and his crazy πŸ€ͺ 😜 πŸ™ self . I met him he walked up on me and talked to me in person God in the flesh born of a virgin when I was 22years old I was treated for mold poison ing anaflaxic shock from casues nuts this put me in the hospital for days Richard was convinced I was dead I stopped breathing went to my marshell arts class had a bad rash I know it was hives got there my eyes swollen shut my ear πŸ‘‚ red swollen face was swollen I quit breathing Richard called a ablanance adrenalin shots were given to me in my heart ❀ lord walked up me in person. Gave me a lecture. Found me a really good doctor. He retired the lady doctor I had . And replace her with who I have now .


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