Robert F. Kennedy Jr. on Entering the 2024 Election

This week, the Democratic National Committee formed a unit to push back against third-party candidates and independents. At the same time, a number of Biden allies have formed a super PAC called Clear Choice, which plans to do the same, signaling the seriousness of the potential impact of an outsider candidate.

One such candidate, Robert F. Kennedy Jr., is polling above 10 percent in national surveys and is well known for his family lineage.

Today, the candidate shares why he decided to jump in, the issues that matter most to him personally and his thoughts on positioning himself as a potential spoiler.

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31 thoughts on “Robert F. Kennedy Jr. on Entering the 2024 Election”

  1. This is absolutely terrible. And not Kennedy. He sounds intelligent and put together as he always does. Astead, on the other hand, was completely unprofessional and this is not journalism in the slightest. Editorializing in a voiceover, over your guest while they’re still answering the question is literally what propagandists do.
    NYT – you should retract this interview and Mr Astead should be forced into some continuing education on how to properly and fairly conduct an interview of a man who may become president of the United States. Shameful. Disgusting. Filthy. Dirty. All the words that come to mind when thinking of how to describe this interviewer. #fakejournalist #kennedy24

  2. This isn't journalism. This is the intentional lying to the American people. I thought the point of a podcast is to hear the perspectives of the guest, not the host. The NY Times ought to fire this podcaster if they have any integrity. Disgusting.

  3. The spoiler argument is weak. Is Elon Musk a spoiler in the automotive industry with electric cars? Or is his aim to do good? RFK Jr is trying to win by doing good. What does he win as a spoiler who ultimately loses? Nothing. He is being positive not being negative in trying to ruin the election. It would be a lot of effort, hassle and money to be a spoiler.

  4. I think it’s disgusting the way this interview was conducted. Unbelievably disgusting, he’s just arguing with RFK JR. This media system and political system is flawed. Why not give him a shot?! What’s the harm in letting people choose?! Unbelievable the level of arrogance and disrespect coming from media sources like cnn, fox, nyt, and the rest. There’s a reason why the young people in this country are depressed and angry, it’s worst that the nyt are shocked at this reaction,. It shows how blind this media outlet is

  5. Literally the NYT doesn’t want us to hear what RFKJ is saying so they did a voice over the information he’s telling us? Stfu NYT you guys are not journalists and spread misinformation lol.

  6. LOL “the feeling they add up to: that the government can’t be trusted, and skepticism is required.”

    Wtf, don’t be skeptical of anything the government says. Lol! What about when Trump was president? Was everything he said supposed to be taken with no skepticism? Why the pivot NYT?? LOL such a weak attempt of a hit piece

  7. Haha I stopped listening at 37:22 im assuming this clown is gonna spin the interview for 5 minutes after it’s ended LOL.

    THANKS RFKJ, the NYT exposes themselves with their desperation to silence political opponents of the corporate establishment lol.

  8. I hope this “journalist” reads the comments. This hit piece is no surprise but I’m even more motivated after reading all the support for Bobby, and sanity, in the comments. RFK 2024

    Signed, former preCOVID democrat

  9. WTF?! You turn his voice down and TALK OVER HIM, while he explains the reason for his position?! this is garbage journalism! Im out. No wonder the NYT is dumpster fire!

  10. What a fucking joke. You ask somebody a question because people want to hear from him not from you. Go ahead and stand on your soapbox on your own time, if you’re interviewing someone it’s their time. There’s a reason this has more views than your other interviews and it’s not because everyone wants to hear what the interviewer has to say. Fucking shameful.

  11. Kennedy’s reputation as a resolute defender of the environment and children’s health stems from
    hundreds of successful legal actions. TIME Magazine named Kennedy its “Hero for the Planet” for his
    leadership in the fight to restore the Hudson River. This achievement helped spawn more than 300
    Waterkeeper organizations across the globe. Kennedy has enjoyed legal victories in many milestone
    environmental battles over the past four decades in Latin America, Canada, and the United States.
    Kennedy was on the trial team in the landmark victories against Monsanto in 2018, and against DuPont
    in 2019 in the contamination case. In addition to his environmental work, he has represented Indigenous groups
    asserting legal and treaty rights across Latin America and Canada. Kennedy is also an award-winning
    writer whose articles have appeared in the New York Times,Washington Post, Los Angeles Times,
    the Wall Street Journal, Newsweek, Rolling Stone, Atlantic Monthly, Esquire, The Nation, Outside Magazine,
    the Village Voice, and many others. Among his published books are two New York Times’ bestsellers:
    “Crimes Against Nature” (2005) and “The Real Anthony Fauci” (2021).

  12. If the DNC wants votes then they should earn them by focusing on policy not smearing 3rd party candidates! It is nauseating and pathetic. I am bored to tears with our worn out form of governance. The two party system is in its last dying quivers…. Let it flop around in its death throes grasping desperately by trying to manipulate the masses with more of nonsense. I am looking for forward movement and voting RFK all the way! Bobby is offering a cogent audit of the ails of our fragile democracy…more so than anyone I’ve ever heard from running for president…ever

  13. The interviewer repeatedly interrupts Kennedy post-recording to “de-bunk” what Kennedy is saying. If your not brave enough to ask Kennedy the statements your saying while you had him on a call with you to hear his answers you’re a coward. He could have easily asked for sources and clarification but instead he talks over Kennedy post-interview, saying conspiracies and lies. Kennedy just won a huge case against the FCC for lying to the public about the dangers of cellphone 📱 radiation ☢️ and winning at the court of appeals in Washington DC, and the interviewer just calls it a conspiracy. This dude is immature and not brave in anyway. You had Kennedy right in front of you and your low tack to cover up his voice and give your own biased and baseless opinion is just sad and pathetic. We see right through you. Thumbs down 👎🏻 in this interview. Or post-recorded commentator. 🤮🤢

  14. This interviewer is a fucking joke. I listened to the end because I want to listen to every word Kennedy has say, but this interviewer doesn’t know crap. He’s just like “I’m saying, I just want to be heard”

  15. What a joke. Just do the interview and let the listener make up their own mind. The fact you would record your own comments separately after the fact. Then play your spin over top of the interview. This is the problem with media now. Just ask your questions. If they are good questions the listeners will understand your point without your gaslighting.

  16. What a crappy interviewer…condescending in tone and I am sorry but my mistrust in not in Kennedy but with the NYT for hiring you. The only reason a very popular third party candidate has a difficult time gathering more votes is because the corporate main stream media does not give them any coverage and when they do, they try to convince the American voter that that candidate has no chance or is a spoiler – I AM VOTING FOR KENNEDY!!! The influence of the NYT has run its course and people are turning to more reliable sources for their news. The only reason I even listened to this podcast is because I heard Kennedy gave the reporter a kick in the pants.


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