Roasting the Top 10 Songs of 2010

Ranking and roasting the 10 most popular songs of the year 2010.




Follow your melon:


21 thoughts on “Roasting the Top 10 Songs of 2010”

  1. I think one thing that I kind of realize after watching this video is that current day artists actually have very marginal incentive to produce and write ground breaking material because nobody recognizes and appreciates it more than experienced music critics. The current generation of consumers desire a more hard, catchy or just downright repetitive material. I realize a lot of tracks that should be higher up on the scale aren’t as well received or acknowledged than the the most bottom barrel shit that artists put out. I used to love Usher’s “OMG” but really re-listening to it as an adult, that shit is trash. Its repetitive filler nonsense with just a hard ass bass to it. Thats all. There’s nothing to scratch beneath the surface. A lot of tracks are like that nowadays, all surface level detail and no core – which is hard to integrate especially in the soundcloud rapper scene because if there’s one HUGE detail i can point out between the two, it’s that a lot of old generation rappers were able to integrate a lot of little details and personal backstory references that current generation rappers cannot. Nobody knows these people, nobody knows anything about them at all. They can’t use that technique to their advantage, the most they can do is MAYBE reference current day issues, but again – EVERYONE knows about that. A lot of issues old rappers addressed weren’t as well circulated and were mostly suppressed. A lot of area specific things that were going on were used as references in a lot of old songs. Take “Changes” by Tupac for example. Nobody can recreate that same meaning behind it ever. And this is just one example, i could go on and on but this post will turn into a documentary if i do.

  2. Great to hear Anthony shit on OMG, I hated that song in 2010 just as much, if not even more than now. And it’s terrible that oldheads are willing to get nostalgic over garbage like this and say “I miss those days” when this is arguably even worse than anything put out recently.


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