RJ Professional for Microsoft Flight Simulator | Just Flight | Preview

#msfs #justflight #flightsimulator #microsoftflightsimulator

Here’s a preview video showing you the ins and outs of the RJ Professional for MSFS. Narration from Mark at Just Flight. More videos including those important tutorial videos to come as we get closer to the release date.

For product details, visit the current product page:



47 thoughts on “RJ Professional for Microsoft Flight Simulator | Just Flight | Preview”

  1. Why do you feel the need to offer a discount for previous 146 owners? They are different aircraft no? The RJ isn't an expansion is it? You don't and/or won't see PMDG offering a discount to previous owners of the 737 who are going to buy the 777.

    People are going to ask why are you so concerned about a discount? Well I know what it takes to create such detailed aircraft. How many man hours etc, so I want them to get every penny they deserve from the project. I want it to be worth their while to continue to make new aircraft. And if they are stand alone products, why offer a discount. No one else would for a highly detailed add on.

  2. Discount for us 146 owners is a nice touch. I’d have got this anyway day one because I love both variants, but yeah a nice touch. Auto throttle will make life so much more enjoyable on that run down to LOWI (fave airport)

  3. The last time, I arrived in Göteborg, I thought of BRA flying there from ESSB in the RJ until 2015 (I think). I love to fly the 146, because she's an "older lady" with all the gauges, I also love in GA aircraft. But a little more comfort and the newer avionics are definitely worth it.
    Hey, and not only a coffee maker and music radio, we get a peephole in addition, too! I bet most of us don't even have one at home! 😆

  4. Sorry if the question sounds heavy, but the Justflight team is finding it difficult to implement VNAV technology in flight simulators and the best decision was to let this beautiful aircraft be operated by Vertical Speed ​​and Flc Chg? I understand that BAE does not have VNAV, as, according to information, it was not equipped with this technology. However, doesn't the Avro RJ also have VNAV? We know that some airlines used VNAV and others did not. Would it be possible for Justflight to add VNAV as an option on the tablet, allowing you to turn it on and off, as there are Avro RJ aircraft equipped with VNAV?

    I remember flying the Avro RJ from the late Quality Wings, which was equipped with a rudimentary VNAV, but which guided the aircraft at least until the Final Approach Fix (FAF). Another question: will the Fokker 100 come with VNAV or will Justflight launch it without this functionality due to the fact that some companies do not have VNAV in operation?

    These are my questions.

  5. That's funny because I had no intentions on buying the new 777 from pilots might die go around(PMDG). And I never purchased the 146. Most likely will add this to my hanger after 20:24 is released. Nice job keep up the good work!

  6. Bae 146 easily became my favorite plane for overall experience, Just Flight even has its graphical performance to flight and system logic more finely tuned on the weaker Xbox Ser X than everything else including 737s and others! Day 1 purchase here, even if its basically the 146

  7. Something that dissapoints me with the 146 Professional is that Just Flight forces installation to the community folder. If you try to move it and use MSFS Addons Linker to manage it's use in the Sim you get an "invalid licence" message on the EFB and the craft wont function. This is a problem for me. I do wish they would review installation or at least respond to the many requests for info on how to work around this.


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