Rishi Sunak toughens benefits rules

Rishi Sunak toughens benefits rules

Rishi Sunak is clamping down on benefits claimants who work less than half a working week. The Prime Minister criticised ‘sick note culture’ meaning people aren’t working who could be. However, some charities have criticised the plans.

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34 thoughts on “Rishi Sunak toughens benefits rules”

  1. he’s always giving me an impression that he’s just reciting things through. his face expression just doesn’t seem to be with the content of his speech, what’s the word…lies!
    once it’s over, nothing is ever following it through.

  2. 600billion transfer of wealth from government to the richest in society during COVID…

    Inflating asset beyond belief… As the rich don't spend there wealth they buy assets with it…

    And he's still blaming the poorest in society

  3. What about tightening up the loopholes for his Tory cronies who think that casting an eye on their ( often inherited) wealth as investments, is taxing enough. Often the only tax some of them are involved in….Definitely the new feudalism. Get the peasantry back in its rightful place…

  4. He is the exact man that der fuhrer hated. Rich aristocrats who know nothing about being poor. Hitler ultimately led his country into ruin but at least it the beginning he rebuilt Germany and knew exactly what it was like to be a common man being one himself and a ww1 veteran. I don’t think mr Sunak would do well in war he’d rather just send the poor while he bathes in his hot tub.

  5. Benefits should be like a bank if you haven't paid in you can't take out simple theres to many people milking the system,i'v worked all my life,back in 2006 my wife was diagnosed with leukaemia so with having 2 young children I packed up work to look after them,it took me 6 months to get a penny off the government what a joke

  6. Someone said our Prime Minister looks like a cardboard cutout beside other presidents. I looked at him today Andy really does. I think it's time we got a prime minister with a spine


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