Rishi Sunak fined by police for not wearing a seatbelt

Lancashire Police say they have fined Rishi Sunak for failing to wear a seatbelt in a moving car.

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38 thoughts on “Rishi Sunak fined by police for not wearing a seatbelt”

  1. Basically Rishi Sunaks Rock n Roll Lifestyle; Its Ok stick it on the Bill. The Bill? The Bill; So Who then really Pays these mistake Bills? Sunak wont buy himself a suit that fits himself let alone wearing a seatbelt? Clever thing about Sunak is he Did it on Media knowing will make Himself and news friends Big money. Implementing that for a small fine; Crime actually does pay and is the probable finite reason the country is corrupt both in Government and Policing plus also why Money in the Privatized legislation creates fraudulent loop holes that harbour some of the countries cleverest charming Criminal minds within Government and the Police needs to be closed in order to regain stable economics in Britain So the
    Sunaks greedy privatized share fees are not strangling the British public anymore. It is CRIMINAL.

  2. i wonder how much a fixed penalty ,should be for finishing second to a clown like liz truss,,but in saying that the rocking horse ,,did manage to win a one horse race ,,,we get rid of two buffoons ,,only to get a even bigger one

  3. I hate all the Tories more I hate cancer,just a scumbag like all the others ,may they perish all of them for not caring bout the nation,scum of the earth

  4. He should also be fined for promoting paganism in UK. The power of Christ compelles this demon out of his prime minister's post, the power of lord compelles him out of his prime minister's post.

  5. Personally I find this as a personal error, I just don’t understand why people have an issue, when he was spreading good news as per this video…..people need to realise everyone is human!

  6. In a World where we are importing criminals by criminals on a daily basis, where our democracy is being corrupted by big business (the WEF) at Davos as you speak, as people drop dead for no good reason, interference in the Countrys energy supplies leave people without heat, threaten the very economy of the Country, as democracy grumbles and our politicians sell out this Country to the EU, we even have Starmer running from the scene of an accident where he has run over a cyclist (half cut no doubt|), and this is the best you can come up with. No wonder people have no faith in MSM.

  7. This was highlighted because he’s holding a high public office position. Or else lots of these incidents being ignored/shrugged off. Well that’s the curse that comes with being a public official. All eyes on you, waiting for you to commit the littlest of mistakes and make it into a gigantic circus. What he did is wrong, indeed a violation of the law. But c’mon that’s nothing compared to the far greater problems. Better, highlight the big mistakes he did that affects millions of lives.


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