RimWorld: Igor Invader [500% Difficulty, No Pause, Modded Storyteller | 01]

Igor Invader is a modded RimWorld storyteller who sends constant raids, deals double weapon damage, and sends groups of enemy reinforcements. Get ready for RimWorld Hell… [Full playthrough is played on Losing Is Fun set to +500% difficulty without pausing. No additional mods to help battle Igor were added.]

Hope you enjoy this RimWorld Challenge Run!

HAIR : Dyed my hair as part of a promise for the community hitting a fundraising charity goal. As a group, we raised $85,000 for Doctors Without Borders! Here’s my part in the charity event: https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1226726962

A full Let’s Play RimWorld Ideology 1.3 playthrough against a modded storyteller using Fluid Ideology.

List of mods for the run: No pause Challenge, Fahrenheit and Celsius, Camera+, Rocketman, P-Music, Vanilla Expanded Igor Invader

Seed for the run:
Seed: IGOR
Coverage: 30%
Maximum Population
2 extra tribal factions (The ones that are 0 at start)
Coordinates: 12.44 N 0.00 E
Map Size: 275 x 275.

0:00 – Intro
0:18 – Other Mods
0:35 – Igor Invader Info
2:43 – Scenario Settings
2:48 – Difficulty Settings
2:56 – Map Seed
3:22 – Ideology Setup
5:09 – Colonist Selection
13:30 – RUN START
35:15 – Hunting & Bladder Control
37:55 – FIRST RAID
38:21 – RAID
46:07 – Rob Zombie’s Brother
48:01 – BEAVERS
48:41 – RAID
55:19 – RAID
56:20 – Micro Time
1:01:32 – PIRATE RAID
1:05:49 – Adaption Wimps
1:08:17 – Not the Husky!
1:12:21 – PIRATE RAID
1:13:46 – TRIBAL RAID
1:18:43 – Double Damage Social Fights
1:18:44 – RIP
1:20:41 – The Beavers are Here!
1:23:29 – PIRATE RAID
1:30:27 – TRIBAL RAID
1:33:20 – Sad Dog Days
1:35:08 – PIRATE RAID
1:38:38 – TRIBAL RAID
1:47:41 – PIRATE RAID
1:54:35 – TRIBAL RAID
2:02:50 – PIRATE RAID
2:06:51 – Beware the Rat
2:11:06 – THE BEST RAID
2:16:06 – TRIBAL RAID
2:17:50 – MECH CLUSTER
2:23:49 – PIRATE RAID
2:31:00 – What to do when you are on fire
2:35:05 – More Friendly Grenading?
2:38:26 – RAID vs CLUSTER
2:44:56 – TRIBAL RAID
2:47:22 – PIRATE RAID
2:54:59 – TRIBAL RAID
3:03:22 – MECH RAID
3:11:49 – TRIBAL RAID
3:15:14 – TRIBAL RAID
3:21:53 – TRIBAL RAID
3:23:58 – RIP Aurianna
3:30:22 – Steven Segal will save us!

3:30:58 – Starting Over
3:32:48 – Ideology Setup
3:37:11 – Colonist Selection
3:45:28 – Next Attempt Starts
3:57:53 – Charity Info
4:12:16 – RAID
4:12:37 – PIRATE RAID
4:13:50 – RIP

4:15:11 – We go again!
4:18:03 – Colonist Selection
4:28:14 – Next Attempt Starts
4:43:48 – Definitely Accidental Murder
4:48:03 – More Murder?
4:56:00 – Raid Point Info
5:56:55 – RAID
4:57:26 – TRIBAL RAID
5:08:45 – TRIBAL RAID
5:26:37 – TRIBAL RAID
5:31:14 – TRIBAL RAID
5:38:48 – Welcome Primaris
5:40:43 – TRIBAL RAID
5:42:38 – PIRATE RAID
5:53:59 – TRIBAL RAID
5:57:15 – Open the Danger!
6:08:41 – PIRATE RAID
6:16:47 – A Miracle…!
6:20:50 – TRIBAL RAID
6:24:25 – TRIBAL RAID
6:43:12 – TRIBAL RAID
7:16:35 – Manhunting Wargs
7:20:20 – TRIBAL RAID
7:29:57 – DROP POD RAID!
7:43:14 – TRIBAL RAID
7:54:33 – SIEGE!
7:57:40 – Mistakes were made
7:57:45 – Why I didn’t Run
8:00:29 – So you’re saying there’s a chance?

8:01:41 – TO BE CONTINUED!
That was only 44 in-game days…

———- DETAILS ———-
This playthrough was recorded LIVE on Twitch. As such, Adam is speaking with chat throughout. Videos without chat will be listed as ‘Youtube Exclusive’. This is the ENTIRE playthrough, so there will be some episodes in which not much happens, that’s just the nature of unedited RimWorld.

*No Pause – Adam is using a mod that disables pause in every portion of the game. This means it is impossible for him to pause with a key press and the game will not pause during events or trade, making things much more difficult.

** Losing is Fun set to +500% is the hardest difficulty in unmodded RimWorld

Get your Steam copy of RimWorld while supporting Adam, his family, charity, and the developers by using one of these links!
RimWorld: https://www.humblebundle.com/store/rimworld?partner=adamvseverything
Royalty Royalty: https://www.humblebundle.com/store/rimworld-royalty?partner=adamvseverything
RimWorld Ideology: https://www.humblebundle.com/store/rimworld-ideology?partner=adamvseverything

———- WATCH LIVE ———-
Adam is LIVE on Twitch Monday through Saturday! Come hang out, watch, participate, or quietly lurk! Everyone is welcome.

———- CONNECT ———-
► Subscribe: https://www.youtube.com/c/AdamVsEverything?sub_confirmation=1
► Twitter: https://twitter.com/AdamVsTweet
► Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/AdamVsEverything
► Website: http://www.adamvseverything.com
► Support: http://www.adamvseverything.com/support

#RimWorld #RimWorldIdeology #RimWorldPlaythrough


24 thoughts on “RimWorld: Igor Invader [500% Difficulty, No Pause, Modded Storyteller | 01]”

  1. Hello, Mike Shinoda from Linkin Park here to tell you three things.
    1) You can watch this ENTIRE series as early access here on YouTube already as long as you are a 1$ Patron or more: https://patreon.com/adamvseverything
    2) Dyed my hair as part of a promise for the community hitting a fundraising charity goal. As a group, we raised $85,000 for Doctors Without Borders! Here's my part in the charity event: https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1226726962
    3) This is a CRAZY run. It gets absolutely nuts. At one point we have SO MANY CORPSES on the screen that it literally bugs out in a way I have never seen. Corpses literally start trying to slide, while dead, to the map edge and leave the map lol. There is SO. MUCH. DEATH.

    Likes, comments, and shares help a ton as always.
    -Thanks for watching!

  2. Willkommen is litterally the exact same word as welcome, how in the world would anyone think it was a rude way of greeting someone? I don't even know why this got me so upset that I had to comment but it did.

  3. ROFL. Right when the insulting spree started on stream, my leader character started an insulting spree. I have two colonists and two prisoners, and they all gathered together at this point and kept insulting each other, including my non-broken colonist. No fistfights, though. Finally forced my non broken toon to arrest the leader before things got really ugly (leader herself was at 10x insulted). I love Rimworld. 😀

  4. First timer here! I'm somehow stumble into this playthrough and i liking it! Going to finish the playlist then going to check other.

    You got new viewer here!

  5. I have a stupid question. I started playing this week so that might be the reason of my silly thinking.
    On your second run when you got raided twice, wouldn't it be worth maybe sacrificing a colonist by opening the ancient danger and letting the raiders fight it off?


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