RimWorld Hedge Knights – Delving Deeper // EP42

╔ My Twitch channel: https://rhadamant.com/twitch/
╚ Website with my Schedule: https://rhadamant.com

» Overview:
– Hedge Knights is a story about a civilization in the golden era of their medieval age invaded by monstrous visitors that push them to the brink of extinction. The story focuses around a small group of squires who are tasked with finding a way to support their community who are on starving and homeless.

– Because it is a roleplaying series I will not be attempting to play any sort of ‘meta’, and additionally I am not interested in feedback to suggest that I play ‘meta’. The purpose of this series is to tell a story, not to min/max RimWorld.

– This is a roleplaying story series and therefore is not intended for people to play along ( so the save game file will not be shared ). Some of the most important mods for the series will be shared in a section below if you want to try to mimic the series for your own enjoyment. You also may assume that any details about this series that I have omitted I have omitted for a reason ( like scenario, rules, goals, mods, character skills, ideology, etc ), so I won’t be sharing that information until it becomes relevant to the story.

» Current Goals ( These will change over the course of the series ):
– Stay Alive.
– Keep the bison alive.
– Build an encampment able to support a larger population.

» Important Mods Used:
– Rimedieval
– Medieval Overhaul
– Xenotype Spawn Control
– Pollution Tweaks

» Intro Narrative:
– We are Adlets, the once proud sovereigns of a lush and beautiful planet. Many years ago the peace, prosperity and progress brought about by the Adlet kingdoms came to an abrupt and brutal end. Our ancestors were visited by sky chariots of silver and fire. The charioteers were cloaked in glowing robes and carried ornate staves, but they made no attempt at diplomacy. They surveilled our lands and left as soon as they arrived, leaving us bewildered and wonderstruck.

– The following winter we were revisited, but not by sky chariots. Monsters rained down from the sky and hunted us Adlets with monstrous ferocity and determination. The visitors swept the land killing and butchering, sparing no one. Millions of us died that winter as our weapons, armor and castle walls were completely ineffective. We were driven to near complete extinction, forced to hide in caves or on tiny islands concealed from the unabated slaughter.

– As the story goes, the following winter the vast majority of the visitors disappeared, leaving behind metallic castles heavily guarded by lethal metallic behemoths. The metallic castles spewed poison into the winds, and over generations the castles spread blight and rot across all of the land. Sightings of the monstrous visitors were rare and the lucky survivors of such sightings insist the visitors were adorned by the weapons and armor of our ancestors and seek to hunt us Adlets as if for sport.

– For generations we cowered in hiding, scavenging what little food we could source from the blighted oceans or fungi from the sheltered caves. For the last ten generations we have sent out scouts to explore for new lands untouched by the visitors, either to return empty handed or not to return at all, assumed dead. Last summer one of our scouts told a tale of a forest pocked by tiny glades of healthy grass and tall trees. Her entire cohort had been slaughtered and the elders were not sure if such tales were hallucinations of trauma, or indeed true.

– Our island’s coast and caves no longer provide enough food to sustain our people. Our elders have tasked us squires to take two pack animals and leave the safety of our tiny island enclave in search of the fabled glades. After a week of evading hunting parties and avoiding metallic behemoths we headed deeper inland into the blighted forests. We finally stumbled upon a tiny pristine glade nestled deep in the heart of occupied territory. With meager rations and simple tools we plan on setting up a new settlement here, unsure of the horrors we may face ahead. This is our story.

» The soundtrack is sourced from Going Medieval, Northgard and Thrones of Britannia.

» The idea for this series was determined by my Patreon patrons. If you’d like to support me as a content creator Patreon always helps. If you would like to join my community please consider visiting my website or joining discord!

Website (Schedule, Countdown Timer to streams, links, resources):

Discord (Gaming community):

Patreon (To support me directly):

#rimworld #Rhadamant #LetsPlay #survival #roleplay #survival


15 thoughts on “RimWorld Hedge Knights – Delving Deeper // EP42”

  1. I was wondering why the adlets would choose to keep sleeping outside in the rain and build a hide away for their food instead of using the multitude of rooms available, but clearly there were still visitors deeper in the ruins. Hope the next episode finally lets Megahoof and company delve into the books and treasures!

  2. In-game, most of the sensible medieval technology has all been researched, and I genuinely doubt that these books will contain pointers for most of the early-industrial technologies – but I am so curious as to what will be discovered. Will it be the observations of those adlets who died because they didn't flee the high-tech invaders, or perhaps details on what was done to so thoroughly pollute the skies and soil? Even if everything found is cultural information without any lost technical applications, the impact this could have on the surviving adlet enclaves will be immense.

    I know this series is winding down as the Hedge Knights have basically succeeded at their short-term goal of securing a place on the mainland that produces a surplus of food while learning enough about the causes of the seemingly magical clear glades to allow others to settle alongside them. BUT, I hope it lasts long enough for the Knights to write up everything they have learned about living on the mainland, along with examples of the foods they have acquired, and send it all back East where it can reach the island. To be honest, I see this trip being taken by Madsie, who has never seen the ocean. As a character, she is blossoming into a possible leader for a second or third generation of settlements, and it's important that she see first-hand what kind of people she will be building new homes for and with.

  3. I'm so happy you're continuing this series! You did promise a proper ending, but I guess the amount of work you have to put into it can be a bit disheartening sometimes. Know that it's very much appreciated, Rhad.

    This episode in particular is captivating. Loving the ruins adventure!


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