Rigged N.F.L. Week 6: Cowboys vs Eagles


44 thoughts on “Rigged N.F.L. Week 6: Cowboys vs Eagles”

  1. The receiver at the top of the screen doesn't do anything, because he already knows the scripted play is going to the middle. He stops playing while the QB still has the ball. That's not something he would do if it was unscripted. He would be trying to get open as another option.

  2. Dallas defender number #6 apparently doesn't even know what defense was called in the huddle. What's he doing? Is he playing zone? He doesn't know what he's supposed to do or what area to cover? C'mon now. How many millions of dollars does this doofus get paid? Unfortunately, channels like this are the only places where these players get called out for this shite.

  3. trying to figure out purpose of last night mnf denver/charger game that to my newly trained eyes did not have any obviously scripted plays – no missed on purpose tackles/blown coverages etc….- completely flat borefest.– did not look rigged.– was this a game that the NFL was telling its fans that you are wasting your time watching this boring nonsense (revelation of the method) —- their way of giving fans full disclosure that its just nonsense bread and circus and in this case boring to boot ???

  4. talking about dumb shit that cant be real how about the chargers broncos punt at the end never seen someone jump in front of someone getting a faircatch to block for them for no reason just so the defender can throw them into the guy catching the ball and then the guys fumbles like is this real, meanwhile on evry forum they saying what a high iq play like what the mother fucker threw the game you dont have to catch a punt

  5. 1) there was a fake hand off- maybe not the best one ever, but defense still has to verify RB doesn’t get the ball.

    2) Defense HAS to account for Hurts running ability. This RPO has proven to be nearly impossible for defenses all season to predict what the eagles offense will do, watch some film.

    3) devonta smith was sneaky with it, slipped in the backfield

    4) would have been INCREDIBLE acting by Diggs slamming his helmet after the play and getting penalized (if he knew what was going to happen, why so mad?)

  6. More than likely a parlay. I had a 5 dollar bet 525 payout, for final score to be 23-17 philly. Once Dallas came back 20 down I thought I was good to go, So they drive get in range then that "blown coverage" happens of course.

  7. My God yall are freaking delusional.
    "You're not running a pistol, too much green" oh, good to know your a football expert. What team do you coach on again?? Let me guess, you're a Madden expert
    The receivers on the left didn't "try" BECAUSE IT WAS AN INTENTIONAL BOOT LEG TO THE RIGHT.
    "There was no run fake here what so ever"
    What the hell are you talking about?! He literally faked handing it off but the DE just didn't fall for it! If this was rigged why the hell wouldn't the de just bite on the fake and pursue the rb???
    "And the qb just gets to throw the ball wide open" yea, that's what the run fake sets up! The de had to hesitate!
    The play was designed as a quick pass or qb run option. Send the TE into the flat and have the wr do a quick curl route. In fact it looks like the wr hesitates because he was looking to see if the de bit on the run fake so he would block the cb for the qb run. The wr recognized the de didn't fall for it so he backs up into the open space for the pass.
    If you think this is rigged can you tell me exactly who all are involved with the rigging? Freaking everyone???

  8. I fully can believe that it’s rigged. There is BILLIONS of dollars a year in rigging games. I just can’t believe that they haven’t had players directly come out after retirement and spill the beans. Maybe some players have come out and tried to expose them? Maybe Steve McNair tried or other players who died suddenly tried and were silenced?! I wouldn’t put it past the monsters that still run Las Vegas and organized crime to be capable of killing someone who tries to expose them.

  9. I dont think this one play contributed to a point shaving scandle lol, its all a collecion of rigged plays to a pre determined outcome, tho it is funny to pay close attention to how poorly the acting can be in each play

  10. Once you've honed your skills breaking down the fakery of the NFL, you can start looking at other professional sports. I decided to go back in time and look at some old boxing matches. I looked at a couple of Muhammad Ali's fights from the mid-70s, the thrilla in manila and then the earnie shavers match the following year. Holy crap, I couldn't believe what I saw when I slowed it down to .25 speed. Probably 90 percent of Ali's punches missed their target. It's like he had no idea how to judge distance. Just complete whiffs, the punches coming up too short, or flying over the opponent's head. And when he did connect, his punches didn't carry any power. And what did the announcers say? As usual, they were just gaslighting the audience, not even mentioning that Ali was only connecting on 10 percent of his punches. And if you look at the Frazier fight, Ali kept his hands by his hips, never used any guard or defense, practically begging Frazier to hit him in the face, yet all the announcers could say was, 'Frazier is really working the body shots!'

  11. They've also screwed some kickers this year with their electromagnetic ball manipulation technology. First one i watched was the Rodrigo Blankenship one that got him "fired".

  12. Just found this channel. I'm glad that you look at these specific moments and break them down. It's so obvious to me whenever I get a chance to watch the National Fixed League that it's all set up. Especially these primetime games. They all come down to one score. You don't even need the physical proof. It just feels off. It feels like a sanitized corporate product.


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