Ricky Stuart’s ‘weak gutted dog’ slur was ‘over the top’

Canberra Raiders coach Ricky Stuart calling Penrith Panthers player Jaeman Salmon a “weak gutted dog” was over the top, Sky News host Chris Smith says.

Stuart said he “had history” with Salmon, claiming he was a “weak gutted dog as a kid” and “hasn’t changed”.

“It’s one thing to get stuck into a player for a bad piece of misbehaviour – it’s another thing to ruin his reputation as he did,” Mr Smith told Sky News Australia.

“That was a terrible personal slur that I think has been influenced by the fact the Raiders got done.”


32 thoughts on “Ricky Stuart’s ‘weak gutted dog’ slur was ‘over the top’”

  1. Ricky Stuart is a thug, and always has been. He is not a professional coach. Always whinging about something when he loses.
    Do people remember why he got sacked as Australian coach.
    After losing the world cup to N.Z.
    He claimed Geoff Carr and the officials, conspired to cause Australia to lose the World Cup in 2008. And got sacked for suck stupid remarks.
    Go away Ricky. You have always been a sore loser.

  2. Politicians should stay home. She went to cut another deal on her chips. Her son met with the chip manufacturer while she was there. That bitch has never been impressive. You folks are mighty delusional

  3. Actions speak louder than words… he could have ended someone's career with permanent damage.
    Literally say what you want; that was a cheap shot and should be looked into.

  4. At times speaking as a channel announcer makes people that their role is to state facts and not appear sponsored. USA has boasted to create basis to steer conflict. It is coercing everyone but like Iran, DPRK, Russia and now China are nations that do want to be respected. If USA was strong it would not spend a lot of time to sponsor, coerce allies for offences it is guilty of. It has many bases away from their country in order to make others to be at risk especially everyone is fully aware if it lost in the middle east it might also loose against Russia or China.

  5. Calling someone a dog is a dec of war in any other setting. To do that on tv at a news conference is unprofessional and cowardly for denying that kid a right of reply who had no platform. Hes only 23 ffs! And the incident happened in primary school!!!

    Too many keyboard warriors here. How bout you put on a jersey and put your money where your mouth is.

  6. The reaction from Stuart is immature pure and simple. Ridiculous comment based on a young guy who didn’t know what a wet dream was when the incident he refers to happened.

  7. No need to apologise Ricky,
    victims don't be silent Speakup tell it how it is.
    What we might offend the grub kicking a bloke in the groin then in the head.
    Well @#$% that!!!!

  8. Seems many Raiders fans are spoon-fed politicians kids in Canberra to ignorance whereby calling someone a weak gutted dog could get you maimed in jail. It's a dangerous title to serve. Those who supported this unprofessional comment of Stuart are destroying your clubs dignity. Stuart's time is nigh. He is acting on his own terms, he's not changing with the modernisation of the game & he just jeopardised the Raiders top 8 chances after being suspended for a week. If I was a Raiders fan I'd be furious. He is the most fined coach in the game. last week's press conference went for 6 odd minutes. Ricky spoke for the first 4 & half minutes. then the captain for 30 seconds. then Ricky finished. Does he tell his captains prior to shut up & let him do all the talking. The Ricky show must finish


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