Revival From Heaven – This Will Happen Next

Recently a revival at Asbury University sparked worldwide attention, but Randy Kay witnessed another revival that will make all other revivals throughout history pale in comparison. In this video Randy Kay discusses why the Asbury revival happened, and what God intends for the forthcoming outpouring of His Spirit in these last days. When considered from a historical perspective compared to what God is doing now, there is a formula for revival that doesn’t only need to happen in places away from you – God wants to bring revival to your home. Learn how you can make this happen.
#revival #Jesus #God #viral #randykayministries #revelations

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23 thoughts on “Revival From Heaven – This Will Happen Next”

  1. Thank you for saying this Randy. I am greatly convicted. The Lord had spoken to me just this morning about these very things, about drawing closer, HE wants more of ME. I truly trust this channel because He gave you insights in your visit to heaven that tell the truth over the lies that have gone forth from satan via some pulpits. Thank you dear brother.

  2. I hope this is the Last Great Awakening/Revival that the Bible Promises, Pastor Randy, that
    will bring in the Last Great Harvest of Souls, that we may see the birth of God's Kingdom !?

  3. Reflecting on the Asbury revival, it's encouragement for all believers that Acts 1-2 "upper room" is for us today. In Acts 3:20 the LORD invites us to open that door. If you have not received the LORD into your heart as Lord & Savior, please do so today. Just call upon the name of the LORD…and His Holy Spirit will guide you. Thank you Randy for your exhortations to the part timers including me 🙂

  4. I love this Brother Randy! After turning my adult children to your podcast and Jeff Marra's podcast my children have invited friends over to our house for "GOD TIME" .
    ON our front porch and in our living room.
    This is my 5th time reading the Bible and I'm learning more each time.
    God is always with us as we drive and sing, listening to Christian radio, clean house and cook with Christian radio playing in our kitchen constantly even as we sleep.
    I break down Jesus's name like this " JESUS= JES US "HE'S US"
    We watch your show and it gives great love to see them change their thinking about God , Jesus and the Holy spirit.

  5. I believe Jesus is my savior, and I struggle with God. I’m told God is a loving God, he’s not an angry or vengeful God and then I read Revelation 9:13 through 16 and it sure sounds like he’s angry and vengeful. We’re supposed to love and forgive everyone like Jesus, and yet that reading isn’t love and forgiveness. How do I come to terms with that? God scares me to death I have feared him all my life… when I read the Bible and try to connect with it, I do many times however, I will come to parts like this and it shakes me to my core. Please help. Thank you.❤

  6. Randy…no words for how important this message was! Your words hit me hard, and I started weeping, longing for my first love back. In those early days (40+ years ago) I was so aware of His presence with me, and I was so full of joy! I've become stale. 😭
    I'll do whatever it takes to get it back. I'm praying for God to help me! Thank you for this message. The fire of The Holy Spirit was coming through your words! I will heed by His grace.🙏

  7. Randy….one more comment…or question actually. When you were in Heaven, did you happen to see anything about little children leading revival? I had a dream…


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