Welcome to me Overwatch 2 Support Report! In this video Stylosa goes over the way supports are playing in the Overwatch 2 pvp alpha. Supports are in a much more dangerous potion than before. With DPS being super charged and one less tank to peel, supports are finding themselves in a world of hurt!

#Overwatch2 #Stylosa #Review #Gameplay

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  1. You know, as a support main, I am probably not going to touch OW2s PVP. The thought of getting jumped at even more often and easily than in OW 1 isn't really the gameplay I am looking for.
    I don't wanna be the guy bringing down the excitement, but expect healer to be the role in need for a lot a lot of matches. Blizz failed to make tank jobs fun and rewarding in OW1 and now they are making the exact same mistake with healers. It's just mind boggling actually.

  2. If you can't play the hero you want to play then this is just a bad game. Counter picks should be present, but not to the point of forcing you to switch a hero.This speaks a lot of developer incompetence, if it took 3 years to basically make a big patch for a game.

  3. At this point I feel like Ana really needs a rework. I personally think she would benefit from a temporary stealth akin to Sombra's old stealth so that it's easier for her to reposition and get away from danger. Right now she just spends most of a match dead and although sleep dart, grenade and nano are still extremely strong she just isn't survivable enough anymore.

  4. As a support player since day one I can say my time in this game has come to a end sadly

    I’m frustrated every time I see gameplay.. I don’t even want to experience the Spawn simulator myself

    As soon as the “new” hype is not so new anymore after a couple months I think a lot of players will quit..

  5. It’s already a struggle now if the other team has a really good dps group and are targeting the support line. If the supports on my team have no one to help peel for them and the are constantly being picked off before they can get to the fight, that’s not helpful. If OW2 is worse than that, no one I know will want to play support anymore. They brought on a new dps character. The last new one was a dps. I feel bad for the support people unless there is a change coming.

  6. …How do you expect me to look at this gameplay and WANT to play this class? They somehow took the most unappealing role and made it worse. How did they think that support players needed LESS protection in all this?

  7. I'm hoping that the beta will focus on support heroes since they spent development and the alpha phases on tanks and dps.

    What I find funny tho, is that now all these supports that don't have a lot of mobility options (or any in some cases) are now stuck playing the mercy playstyle, which is "A mercy that is seen by the enemy is a dead mercy" and people are rightfully upset by it. It is a rather passive playstyle even at its most aggressive. At least she has some of the best mobility in the game that can counteract flanking, but rip Ana and Zen I guess. But yeah if Mercy's healing wasn't entirely dogwater (she really needs a burst heal or some way to negate damage so she can focus on dmg boosting like shes meant to) she'd probably be a little less meh.

  8. with OW2 today removing a tank and making tanks more brawly i think they should use that as an opportunity to make them less just healing bots by giving them things like shields ( not like rein ofc way weaker than what an actual tank would have and to not make double shield come back, but look at old symetra, she had a shield that she could use for herslef or to support her front line a little bit.) Shield is one exemple but i could see a support giving barriers ( like zarya ) to his allies or just armor and shield ( like brig and sym used to do ). I loved old brig because she felt so unique as a support, but now she just fell into being basic, the only thing she has that other supps dont have is a shield because her ult wont be as unique as before with teh ovverwatch 2 armor and overheatlh changes. There is also a problem that appeared in OW2 with tanks like rein being bad cuz they relied a lot on having a peeling off tank which they do not have anymore, and thats another reason to why u shoudl make support more divers and giving them more tools than just differents way of healing and dealing damage

  9. Why play this shit game, when you have shooters like valorant, rainbow six, even paladins. And for all who play support like me (im a bap/ana/zen player) go que for dps, put a shit score on metacritic, tell them in twitter. This is not.the only game in the market, it's just one of the worst

  10. When role lock was introduced I just kept playing dps Moira, kept pissing off the non healers cause I was very aggressive,her getting self heal might save me using a healing orb

  11. this entire OW2 is nothing but a workshop on custom games. lulz blizzard has no morality and u all influencers streamers are sold out, u streamers pushing this shit ctrl+c ctrl+v seriously, gaming market is as dirty, imoral, and fcked up as drug market. even the client is the same.

  12. I am a support main and always have been, i think many of the supports need to be tweeked for this super open gameplay.

    However, I also have to say it is important to me as a player that there is some challenge to my role. I love how in this new fast paced gameplay, I have to focus on heals and damage at such a higher level of speed and focus. Every elim and ally kept alive feels that much more rewarding

  13. Supports now truly are overexposed, removing the off-tank is bad both for them AND the tank (on that note i would like to say also that, more than nerfing Orisa they should buff all the other Tanks, because doing a 2 men job alone is insane), also Ana's grenade has become absolutely game breaking, now that there are only two tanks with shields.
    And yes i'd say Moira and Lucio (and then Mercy but with a gap between the three) are the only two healers that can actually save their skin in bad situations, even if Zen, now although overexposed AF, is way more game changing than in OW1, i got completely MELTED with Orisa, and she's supposed to be the tankiest tank along with Rein, but he has much better survivability when it comes to being discorded.
    What i actually hope is that streamers and reviewers won't suck up to Blizzard singing only praises, because the game needs a metric ton of feedbacks (both negative and positive, but they surely need to hear the negative aspects or they'll do as every major does these days, cherrypicking only what they want to hear so they won't have to change a thing), hoping they'll fine-tune the game to be more balanced as OW1 was (not that it was perfect by any means, but at least there was an actual weight balance between tanks, DPS and healers, which completely changed the dynamics and rhythm of the fights), especially with a focus of introducing more strategy to the encounters, for now they definitely feel dumber and flimsier.
    I hope they would at least consider creating both a 5v5 category and a 6v6, because i would rather play the latter, especially after trying the beta.
    And yes i play tanks and supps exclusively, so here's the reason behind this little "rant".

  14. I like the feeling of being vulnerable on supports. Having the ability to be able to keep your entire teams health up is so huge, especially with only one tank per team. Because if the supports weren’t so vulnerable then the tanks would literally be unkillable with the amount of healing being able to be focused on you. They should have a drawback that they themselves aren’t good at staying alive without outside help.

    As a final note it also adds more skill into the role. Because for most healers, basically all except Ana and maybe Zen, keeping your team topped up isn’t that hard of a job and that skill’s ceiling isn’t that high. But increasing the important of positioning to the role adds a lot more depth to the role, ask any high elo ADC main they know what I’m talking bout.

  15. I think Blizzard is underestimating just how much of an upheaval going from 6 to 5 per team will be. They need to do a lot more work with redesigning characters to fit the new dynamics of the game.

  16. Obviously some supports are just in their element right now. Maybe Blizzard can give the ones left behind something to keep them relevant.

    Mercy's got the mobility, but she's not quite as impactful as her peers. Some kind of burst heal functionality or other utility would be lovely.

    Ana's definitely got the strength, but her survivability makes her really vulnerable. Something like a second charge on sleep dart could be what she needs to keep herself alive.

    Baptiste just about has it. Not quite sure what you could give him that he doesn't already have.

    If you set Zen up like Moira and gave him access to both balls on one ability, you could free up another slot to give him some defensive options. Zen kick is hilarious but I don't know if it's really enough. Also the RMB burstfire has its moments, but it doesn't add too much to Zen's core kit during a fight. Maybe you could give him some kind of ring that consumes 10 ammo and multihits/pushes an enemy back?

  17. The game just looks worse. I'm excited that we'll likely be getting content more regularly but the actual game looks like a messy tdm custom game mode. If I wanted to play CoD I'd go play CoD. What's the point of this game? What is its identity?

  18. i think we need to do away with no mobility healers aside from brig she has a shield. give Anna a grapple, give zen a hover upwards or something. make them more fun and forgiving for new players while still requiring skill for advanced players thats what the new thing has been with ow2 just apply it to healers and I think people will enjoy the game a lot more

  19. Many people saying playing support is going to be hell in ow2. But honestly with one less tank and less shields + cc, your 2 dps will have far less time to kill and lesser targets allowing them to have time protecting you. It's just a matter of time players gets used to this 5v5 change.


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