REVIEW: Greta Van Fleet "Starcatcher" is a PUZZLE! (Special Bonus Unboxing)

Greta Van Fleet returns with their third album, “Starcatcher.” Watch this video for my review plus an unboxing of the exclusive deluxe edition of the album!

#gretavanfleet #starcatcher

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10. CLASSIC- Among the best albums ever
9. MASTERPIECE- The pinnacle of the artist’s career
8. EXCELLENT- One of the best albums of the year
7. VERY GOOD- Very enjoyable with few missteps
6. GOOD- Solid album with a few great songs
5. FINE- OK album but not very interesting
4. DISAPPOINTING- A real letdown that should be much better
3. BAD- Hard to listen to all the way through
2. VERY BAD- Almost no redeeming qualities
1. TERRIBLE- One of the worst albums ever

For more details on how I rate albums, watch this video:

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● “Hawking’s Grove”:


My Philosophy: I love music. I love all kinds of music. And I go into every album wanting to love it, so that’s my starting point for every review. Keep in mind, though, that music is a very personal thing. An album may hit me personally in a very different way than it hits you. That’s complexly natural and unavoidable, which is why I try to include some personal context in my reviews. It’s so you’ll have a better idea where I’m coming from. In the end, it’s still just my personal opinion, which is inherently biased, and which you may or may not agree with. Hopefully, once in a while, we’ll find common ground.

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14 thoughts on “REVIEW: Greta Van Fleet "Starcatcher" is a PUZZLE! (Special Bonus Unboxing)”

  1. Very nice review. Love your scripts. I personally don't listen to Greta van fleet. But I enjoy your reviews. I may give this a listen. Abit puzzling there are no track listing in the box

  2. Really good review and video of the presentation of the box. I like the puzzle idea but the rest of the packaging is meh to me. I don't like the disc sitting on the bottom like that without even a sleeve. Is it cost cutting to leave the lyrics and credits off? Or am I just a dinosaur for still caring about that stuff? Far as GVF goes….I've never disliked them for being derivative, but I've never really felt like they've done enough with what I think is considerable talent.

  3. Without question, STARCATCHER is a step back from what was and is a sonic and cinematic masterpiece, better known as The Battle At Garden’s Gate. And yet I admire the band for doing so. Sam indicated way back last fall that they intended to return to a harder edge sound of earlier days and that’s exactly what they have done. It may not be everyone’s cup of tea but so be it. In my amateurish estimation, “Sacred The Thread” is a masterpiece in and of itself which would fit seamlessly on Garden’s Gate. There are several other obvious tracks which would as well. And I find the closing track to be a delightful homage to their adoring fans. Good for them for recording such a song.

    These four young men continue to fascinate the hell out of this child of the 50’s and 60’s with their musical talents and for their refusal to succumb to their many critics with their endless, nonstop and tiresome comparisons to bands of the past. Of course, it will continue, but I have a feeling that Josh, Jake, Sam and Daniel will continue to pay no attention to it and will instead continue to make fascinating rock music. And it looks like a double album may surface next down the distant road. The writing has already begun.

  4. This is the best review I’ve seen yet from this album, totally encapsulated how I feel about the album

    New good bands:
    These motherfuckers Rock

    Dirty honey is pretty tight too

  5. The point of this album was to get back into the creative mindset they had when they were making music in their garage. Instead of doing the same thing they did on Garden’s Gate. They wanted to revisit their roots. Did the sound take a step back? Somewhat, in my opinion. But I still enjoyed the album. I just don’t think it’s any indication that the band plans to stop growing. Still love the band and liked many songs on the album. I think their next album could be their best yet, and I’m pretty confident they will evolve their sound further. Apparently they have a double album’s worth of new songs ready to go.

  6. Runway blues actually was originally more than half baked. The one on the album is only half of the full song, they cut the other half because the singer hated it and couldn’t be persuaded.

  7. Starcatcher is a disappointment. Gone are the catchy riffs, the addictive hooks, the melody that sticks in your mind and you hum in your head for weeks. It's the difference between the 1970 -80's movie and TV themes that become ingrained in your head and the instantly forgettable themes of anything beyond the year 2000.

  8. I didn't get earworms the first few listens, but now, I wake up in the morning with a new song from Starcatcher stuck in my head. And those songs rotate. I went from huh, it's OK to OMG, this album is brilliant! GVF's vibe is so different from most of the other rock bands their age. They are spiritual and no longer are writing basic rock and roll songs. A lot of the lyrics are mysterious, so in a way, I don't mind the simplistic lyrics of Farewell for Now.

  9. One of the factors that I take into consideration, when trying to make an assessment, as tо whether or not a 'random' person on the internet has the competency to comfortably and with confidence review music… Is whether or not they show any evidence of understanding that there are different aspects of it, like say style and genre the musicality and quality of which is subjective, resulting in there being music that you do not initially understand/vibe with/like, but given the time and readiness to find out, along the way you allow for it to grow on you, and subsequently appreciate it far more.

    A dead giveaway that this is not the case with some people, hence making their opinions arbitrary, is 'reviewing' music on the week of its release.

    Music is not one of those youtube products you can exploits by jumping on a trending topic when its hot, to capitalize on the views… not unless you're listening to modern day 'rap'.


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