Review: Abravanel Turns In Another Fine Tchaikovsky 5th

Tchaikovsky: Symphony No. 5; 1812 Overture. Utah Symphony Orchestra, Maurice Abravanel (cond.) Vox


12 thoughts on “Review: Abravanel Turns In Another Fine Tchaikovsky 5th”

  1. For the "1812 Overture" my favourite still is Ormandy's 10-in. LP recording. Just the facts, just the music, sir, keep it straight. That recording is so no-nonsense and makes something beautiful of this pretentious music, actually mlakes is listenable!!

  2. Have a couple of Utah Symphony with Maestro Abravanel cds in my collection. Even had them on LP way back when. One of them is Ippolitov-Ivanov's: Caucasian Sketches, Opus 10 backed with Rimsky-Korsakov's: Symphony No. 2 (Antar) The other is Edgar Varese's: Ameriques. What a combination, huh…. Enjoy both recordings immensely. Other great one, Dave……

  3. Abravanel’s Utah Tchaikovsky cycle – my first album purchase ever (though digital). I was in high school and it was on iTunes for $9.99. I still listen to it all the time! There is a clarinet squeak at the start of the finale. When I don’t hear it in another recording it surprises me

  4. Appreciation for your combination of fan enthusiasm and professional erudition. I will definitely check this performance out Thanks David! Regarding the finale in particular, I tend to prefer slower tempi aka Klemperer but this faster tempo rendition here is excellent, with transparent texture dynamic gradations and lyricism in balance with the propulsiveness.

  5. Abravanel and the Utah Symphony were my first-ever classical concert back in about 1978 or 1979. They played in the gym (!) of Allan Hancock College in Santa Maria California. It was an all-Tchaikovsky program. It was the beginning of my love for this type of music. The rest of my family (non-classical music listeners) all hated it.

  6. Abravanel got a lot of things right back in the day. I have this recording, but it is an older release – I ripped it to my hard drive from a budget Vox Box release from many years ago. I remember that there was a defective CD in the box and I had to return it to the store for a replacement. The Utah Symphony at that time could be rough around the edges, but rough around the edges works with certain music, and Tchaikovsky's Fifth is a great example.

  7. The whole cycle is coming out, including Manfred. It is being sold as individual discs at full price (6 separate CDs, with 1/2 together). On this basis it would be one of the most expensive sets to purchase (around €100). I wonder if the sound quality upgrade from Naxos justifies the outlay? I agree there is something really charming about Abravanel's approach. You do not need to be a hyper-charged orchestra to deliver characterful performances.

  8. I heard Abravanel & the Utah Symphony perform this live, before these recordings were made, and at the time I used to listen to whatever the Utah Symphony was going to perform — over and over — on LP records in order to enjoy the performance better. At the time I thought there was something miraculous about hearing something "in person" versus listening to it on a recording. However, after many years it finally occurred to me that what I was hearing in these live Abravanel performances was one thrilling interpretation after the next, concert after concert. The man knew how to make a work come to life like very few others.


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