REVELATION 17 Tells Us Something Scary | But Its The Truth We Need To Hear

►Speech is completely original and produced exclusively by Grace Digital Network
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►Animation: Tina Davidson
►Writer: David Kolawole
►Sound Design: Coker Esther

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Title: Exposed! When Presidents Make DEALS With The Devil! (IT’S SERIOUS!)
REVELATION 17 Tells Us Something Scary | But Its The Truth We Need To Hear

The prayers are located at the end of the video.


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50 thoughts on “REVELATION 17 Tells Us Something Scary | But Its The Truth We Need To Hear”

  1. Didn't the trade centre fall down in hours of one another on 9/11?
    That Scripture reminds me of that event?
    Covid also was a one off time event which could be viewed similarly as the 3 and 1/2 yrs trib' mentioned in the Bible.?
    There was a lot of strange happenings during this time too.
    And church services and Mass's were suspended too?
    But yet it don't hear folk chatting about these events anymore?
    Also who came to sign a treaty to bring a declaration of peace to the middle east?
    I have also heard that nasa is the biggest user of helium gas? Why is that?
    Don't they mostly need hydrogen and oxygen in their engines?
    Also the coriolis effect?
    Doesn't seem to be in effect either.
    Lots of interesting mysteries to ponder on? Especially through the lens of one's faith?
    Godbless you all.

  2. Please Holy Spirit Direct All Of My Path's In Everything That I Do! Thank You In Advance For Doing This In Yeshua Jesus Christ's Precious Saviour's Name Shalom And Amen!✝️✝️🛐🛐📛🕊️🕊️🕊️❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥🤰🤱🧬🤰🤱✨👑✨🦁🦁🦁❣️❣️❣️🌺🌺🌺😇🌟🤗🙏🙏🙏🇨🇦🇮🇱♾️🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲🗽🦅‼️

  3. So, how do you know that the prophecies were not given by Satan pretending to be god by bringing them to pass?? since Satan IS the god of this world. By doing satanic things like telling them to go and kill every living thing and person (utterly evil btw) and fire from heaven which is a working of the beast , only a devil god wanting to convince people he is god would do those things.

  4. in Jamaica is where most of Revelation is unfolding. but if yuh far from wisdom you will not know.
    mi read revelation and see everything play out in front of me first hand.

  5. April 8, 2024 Satan is kicked out of heaven (see KJV Revelation 12 for full details), which starts The 3 1/2 year Great Tribulation! Isaiah 46:10 (The end is declared in the 7 day creation), II Peter 3:3-8 (a 1000 years are as 1 day), Psalms 90:4 (Moses only Psalm, a 1000 years are as 1 day), Exodus 20:9 (10 commandments- 6 days you shall labor & do ALL your work- 6000 yrs), Hosea 6:1-3 (I have hurt you & wounded you, but after 2 days (millennium) I will bandage you up & heal you, and in the 3rd day you will live in my sight! 28 AD-2028 AD=2000 yrs or 2 days, 2028 begins the 3rd day (millennium), John 2:19 (after 2 days-2000 years), Matthew 24 (Israel becomes Nation May 14 1948, Psalms 90:9-13 (how long till thou return?..a generation is 70 or 80 yrs). Yeshua killed & rose in 28. 1948 + 80 (a generation) = 2028. Creation of Adam & Eve till 2028 = 6000 years, 2028 is the morning of the 3rd & 7th days! Millenniums! 2028 on Israel calendar is our fall 2027… the morning of the 3rd & 7th days! The 1000 yr reign of Yahshua Yahweh with us and our new bodies starts! There is NO RAPTURE & Satan does get his 42 months, or the Great 3 1/2 yr Tribulation! Which starts in the spring of 2024 and most likely on April 8, 2024. Aug 21, 2017 (1st great America eclipse) to April 8 2024— dead in the middle is 2020 (20/20) Fathers perfect vision (not to mention The Abraham Accord Sept 15, 2020), the Final 7 years begin. 2020 + 7 = 2027 Yeshua's Yahweh's return in the fall which is 2028 Israel calendar. I believe the Revelation 12 war began Aug 21. 2017 at the 1st Great American Eclipse… and it will end on April 8th. Michael & his angel fought, Satan & his angels fought (READ IT EVERYONE-Rev 12), but Satan is kicked out on April 8, I believe that 7 year war ends (just my thought). Both eclipses had the women clothed in the sun….etc, BUT the dragon ready to devour the man child (we are birthing Christ in us-we HAVE put on Messiah!) is only PRESENT in this 2024 second Great American Eclipse… We are that women, who is birthing Messiah, and at least the true blues (the church of Philadelphia the144,000), who are ready! Yeshua Yahweh returns the fall of our calendar in 2027 on Feast of Trumpets October 1-3 (2028 Israel time). We don't know the day or hour, just the week, month & year! Most real born again Christians will get a choice to die with their families, or take the mark…. because they NEVER forsook everything (or in most cases not anything), and picked up their cross and died for Him by trading their life for His? Father in His great mercy will give you one last chance to die for Him…but it won't be easy watching your children then your wife be killed right their in front of you. The majority will take the mark. There are only few Christians in the USA. Father says, 'In a 1000 men I have found 1 righteous'. In 10,000 women none. But we (the church of Philadelphia- the 100 fold) who have died already, will triumph gloriously! We've long past died and still do daily. Outcasts and alone. In His love, to all my brothers & sisters, we will shine like the stars and march on the city & run on the wall, and Father will nourish us for 42 months in the wilderness where He has prepared a place for us! Take the bullet not the mark…it is quail & manna time and we will do exploits be brave and after you have done all STAND! See the salvation of Yeshua Yahweh in the midst of 4.5 billion deaths, 110 lb hail stones, two asteroids, the sun 7 times brighter & the moon as bight as the sun, where 1/3 of mankind is scorched to death, and Satan is after us! Father is coming from Bozrah (Isaiah 63) with vengeance in His heart, to slaughter the nations and crush skulls all covered in blood!

  6. JESUS REMOVE ALL BABYLON devil spirits FROM US AND MY FATHER'S FAMILY MEMBERS OF vellampaarai vilai and my mothers' family and mothers'family members of champazhanchi vilai vellzhicode.

  7. JESUS REMOVE ALL BABYLON devil spirits FROM US AND MY FATHER'S FAMILY MEMBERS OF vellampaarai vilai and my mothers' family and mothers'family members of champazhanchi vilai vellzhicode.

  8. It's easy to see with certainty Babylon, Babylon, America the Great, the leader in space and beyond. Revelation 12, says, The seven heads are crowned and ten horns are not. In Revelation 13 the horns are crowned and seven heads are not. America has the royalty in space, but we are giving our military strength away and NATO will surpass us. You see America and the world's residency in space and also in Zachariah 5:5-11. But you also see our residency around radiation in Zachariah 5. After the Rapture America gets nuked, but not before a "kill or be killed," situation-Isaiah 13. You see the stage being set with all the illegals forming their bumming and luming criminal groups. They steal and sell the goods on the streets and AOC cries "defund the police." She is an absolute loser and doesn't care about the cop killers these illegals have in their mist. Then there are the worthless Pro Palestine protesters who don't care about Hamas setting their insurgents in the middle of the Palestine citizens who have to be bombed. They actually stored their military arsenal under hospitals. And continue to justify hating Israel-worthless creeps is what the free Palestine people are!


  10. Joe Biden lied the other day about his uncle being cannibalized so I don't think he's going to listen to God. As a matter of fact I believe he received his counsel from the devil. But you are right we should pray for them nonetheless. God bless them in Jesus's Name but not for peace and prosperity but for God's will to be done through them no matter what that will may be.

  11. # of a man is 6. Who narrowed down the Bible to 66 books. 4 horsemen red,black,white and pale(green) . Horsemen use to carry their flags during war. What is significant of these colors? Look up maps of the world that have red,black,white and green on them.

  12. Does anyone else know that the Statue of Liberty isn’t lady liberty. In fact,the Statue of Liberty isn’t even a woman. The statue is basically a portrayal,of the first known painting,of Lucifer. The statue needs to go. While people are fighting to destroy statues;they are destroying the wrong statues.

  13. Science,money,sex,personal belongings,pornography,food,spirits(alcohol),drugs. These have become gods,to a lot of people. We are to fast(which I haven’t done,on purpose,in a long time) . Governments are ushering on the end times. They’re creating matter out of sound vibrations. CERN is being used,to try and find the frequency of God(God spoke everything into existence),they transferring consciousness into robots & they plan to transfer consciousness into an avatar or clone. They’re taking cells and turning them into stem cells. They’re going to try to turn this stem cell into an exact copy of an individual. So when our container body wears out;the elite can just use a younger,healthier container body. I don’t think God is going to allow this

  14. Dear God, in times of sickness and financial hardship, grant me the resilience to persevere and the courage to seek help when needed. Shower me with your abundance and provide for all my needs, so that I may live a life of health, happiness, and prosperity. Amen.


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