The Devil now knows that his time is short! The “great wrath” of the evil one, of Satan! A terrible time for planet earth!



  1. Great lesson! You always explain complicated and dramatic things so well! And enlighten my mind! The book of Revelation paints such a dramatic vision in my mind! It's kind of scary, in a way! But it proves to me that God is real! I have learned a lot, just from this one lesson!
    And thanks for the beautiful backdrop!

  2. Our blessed Lord. So precious to us! How beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of him that bringeth good tidings, that publisheth peace; that bringeth good tidings of good, that publisheth salvation; that saith unto Zion, Thy God reigneth!

  3. That was quite the block of Scripture! Left me pondering all the things that went on. That third Woe the worst of all woes. Thinking about Gabriel needing Michael in his 21 day standoff with the prince of Persia in Daniel chapter 10. When he was finished with Daniel he was going back to the standoff and expecting to do I guess battle with the prince of Grecia. No telling the number of aliens in the second heaven that will all be cast down to earth with Satan's defeat. Into the earth and the sea! All of them! THANK YOU JESUS FOR YOUR BLOOD. AMEN. HALLELUJAH. AMEN

  4. Thank you for shining light through the Holy Spirit on to the Old Testament so often to us, Brother Bagwell. That's what our brother Paul used to declare the Good News! Praying for you and your wife…

  5. I guess it could be said that God is so good, holy and mighty that even the Devil wants to be in his presence. He accuses us to have a reason to be before God. I enjoyed learning the 3 ways to overcome him. He will try one more time to take over heaven, but all of the inhabitants of heaven rejoice when they see him expelled forever. I wonder if our loved ones can see him there now? If they hear him accusing us even today? What a sight to see Jesus advocating against him!

  6. Wow! Love the lighthouse in the background! Great study, Dr. Bagwell! "War"/πόλεμος/polēmos/to push, to fight. There are 3 heavens. The first is where the birds fly, the second is where the stars twinkle and the third is the abode of Almighty God. The "dragon" is none other than the Devil, Lucifer, Satan. He is the adversary to God and all those who love God. How did he get into Heaven? This is a future event. This will happen in the tribulation period. The devil originally was not a devil or a fallen angel but rather a created being of Almighty God. His name was Lucifer or "light bearer" not the "prince of darkness". Isaiah 14:12-17 tells us that the Devil rebelled against God. There are 5 "I will" statements in these passages in Isaiah. God tells the Devil that he will be brought down to hell. Isaiah 14:12-17 has already occurred, however, the war in Revelation chapter 12 is a future event. Isaiah 14:12-17 probably occurred before creation. See Ezekiel 28:12-19 as well. Even though Satan was cast out of heaven, he still has access to heaven. He cannot abide there eternally though. See Job chapter 1-3. He can visit occasionally. See also Zechariah 3:1-2. One day God will say, "enough is enough, no more". Satan will be cast from Heaven. "Prevailed"/ἰσχύω/ischuō. The Devil lost the battle. "Cast out"/βάλλω/ballō/thrown, hurled. The Devil comes to earth now with renewed vengeance. Revelation is a book of worship from one end to the other. God is worshipped because He is worthy. As soon as the Devil is expelled, notice what happens in Heaven in verse # 10. "Loud"/μέγας/megas. "Power"/ἐξουσία/exousia. "Accuser"/κατήγορος/katēgoros/to put down publicly. The Devil wants to bring up every mistake we make in our lives. "Cast down"/καταβάλλω/kataballō/mightily expelled. "Before"/ἐνώπιον/enōpion. When the Devil is putting us down, we need a lawyer or a representative. This is exactly what Jesus Christ is doing. He is our advocate. Verse 11 is one of the most remarkable verses in the Bible. Why? Because it will give us the key to defeating the Devil in our lives. These saints in verse 11 overcame the Devil by the blood of the Lamb. "Overcame"/νικάω/nikaō. "Lamb" means God's precious little pet Lamb. Jesus' blood shed on the cross is what washed away our sins. His blood also keeps us clean, pure and holy. 1 John 1:7 tells us that it cleanses us from all sin. Now, we find out that it defeats the Devil. We overcome the Devil by the blood of Jesus. What can wash away my sins? Nothing but the blood of Jesus. Amen! There are 3 tools to fight the Devil with here: 1) the blood 2) the word of their testimony 3) willing to die for their faith. They talked about the blood and witnesses. They are soul winners. The Devil cannot stand the preaching of the Gospel of the Lord Jesus. "Testimony"/μαρτυρία/marturia. When Job's testimony prevailed, the Devil had to hush. If we die, we are absent from the body and present with the Lord. "Rejoice"/εὐφραίνω/euphrainō/good thoughts, good meditations. There is a connection between "woe" and death in verse 12. Loved this study! Thank you so much for doing these!


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