Reused Maps in Black Ops 3 & 4 Zombies

Black Ops 3 and 4 are probably the games with the largest Zombies budget, so it comes as no surprise that there are very few reused maps. But there are a couple things worth mentioning.


47 thoughts on “Reused Maps in Black Ops 3 & 4 Zombies”

  1. I remember Treyarch said when making Revelations, they ported the old maps and remastered them. Kinda like putting on a fresh new coat of paint. Then they broke the maps down and decided which pieces to put in Revelations. So the Chronicles maps were technically made before Revelations was

  2. wait wtf I'm confused on what you are comparing der eisendrache, it seems like the same zombie map, just over time it changed, you aren't showing a multiplayer equivalent of the map… dude I'm so pissed I could be watching netflix now but some dumbass in our family locked my moms amazon account with a purchase of wigs with a no balance card

  3. Are you interested in doing multiplayer map versions of these for each individual game? That could be a great direction to branch off to once you’re done with Cold War, of course if that’s what you want to make.

  4. Different unique sound effects reused in other games!

    I know this would be a tricky series to get started, but how about reused sound effects in different games? I don’t mean generic stuff like rebuilding barriers or buying doors for example, but things that are more unique.

    A few examples would be like:

    – throwing a Time Bomb in Buried & using the Killing Time GobbleGum in BO3

    – correctly inputting the Mahjong tile code to finish the Die Rise Easter egg/completing the first step of upgrading a staff in Origins (BO2) & turning on the power in Ascension (BO1)

    – exploded shot of upgraded Scavenger sniper in COTD & Subsurface Resonator blast in Buried

    – going back in time w/Der Eisendrache Easter egg & using Time Bomb in Buried

    – the “ding” noise from the crystal step in Shangri-La Easter egg & the noise from turning an orb white w/Paralyzer for the Buried Easter egg & the “ding” noise from the low gravity about to deactivate in the Undercroft room in Der Eisendrache room

    – teleporting animation in Der Riese & entering a portal animation in Origins (BO2) & teleporting animation in Kino Der Toten (BO1 and ZC)

    – respawning after you die/bleed out with Who’s Who in Die Rise & the spawning sound effect in Shangri-La (BO1)

    – Lightning staff being fired in Origins & lightning striking the challenge podium in Zetsubou No Shima (for shield upgrade)

    – turning on the “electricity” in Verruckt & turning on the power in The Giant (not the same in Der Riese)

    – the carnival sound effect for completing the Buried Easter egg & the sound effect for finding the last telephone for the hidden song on FIVE (right before “Won’t Back Down” plays)

    – the whirring noise (following directly after the “ding” from the low gravity about to turn off in Der Eisendrache & the whirring noise that is heard from Dr. Monty killing Dr. Maxis in the Alpha Omega ending cutscene

    – traveling up the gravity well/using a Wundersphere in Der Eisendrache & getting propelled from a launchpad in the Bio Dome on Moon

    – the sound of George A Romero spawning in COTD & killing Brutus in MOTD/BOTD

    – (occasionally) using the Fire bow in Origins & (occasionally) using the Wrath of the Ancients in Der Eisendrache

    – multiple sound effects from feeding the dog heads in MOTD & feeding the dragon heads in Der Eisendrache

    I know some of these are very obscure, but there’s 15 solid examples! Are you up to try it out? 😉

  5. Its not big but in Nikolai’s character trailer for bo 3 you can see his house briefly in the background. It has a record player and such in one of the rooms. This house was directly from the campaign. Not sure what the mission was titled though but its the same mission you fight zombies in.

  6. I’m thinking the reason for the beam difference and things like that in Blood of the Dead is because that’s when the time splits off, which would start changing things maybe? I’ve never noticed it till you show it and it frustrates me looking at it lol

  7. General assets and concepts were reused more in BO3 from Multiplayer

    Annihilator was literally ported into The Giant

    The Tempest acts like the Wunderwaffe

    Ragnorok-DG4s are literally Gravity Spikes

    Gauntlet Of Siegfried has Whelp, who burns zombies with fire, like the Purifier, and the 115 Punch, like the dash that the Ripper does

    And of course the antigravity in DE and Revelations mimics the jetpacks


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