"Return to Democracy": Brazil Swears In Lula as President, as Far-Right Bolsonaro Flees to Florida

In Brazil, ​​former union leader and head of the Workers’ Party Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva was inaugurated Sunday for his third term as the country’s president, replacing far-right President Jair Bolsonaro. Lula served as Brazil’s most popular president from 2003 to 2010 and helped lift tens of millions of Brazilians out of poverty. But in 2018, as he prepared to run for office again, he was jailed on trumped-up corruption charges, paving the way for the election of Bolsonaro. The charges were later thrown out. Bolsonaro boycotted the ceremony, after first refusing to concede the election, and fled Brazil for Orlando, Florida, as he avoids criminal investigations. The new administration has vowed to fight poverty, invest in education and health, and halt illegal logging in the Amazon rainforest. We are joined by ​​Maria Luísa Mendonça, director of the Network for Social Justice and Human Rights in Brazil, and journalist Michael Fox, host of the podcast “Brazil on Fire.”

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50 thoughts on “"Return to Democracy": Brazil Swears In Lula as President, as Far-Right Bolsonaro Flees to Florida”

  1. Can they please come and get George Santos. Please charge him for his crimes in Brazil.
    Clean up the water.
    Sewage going into that beautiful ocean is a travesty.

  2. Bolsonaro did us a favor running away from the country before Lula's inauguration ceremony. We brazilians were pleased see the representativo of minorities that Bolsonaro hates walking side by side with Lula to assume the presidency again, after 4 years of political shame and terror.

  3. I wept tears of joy for Brazil, especially for its people of colour and its indigenous people. I pray that God will continue to bless this nation as a model of good governance, unity and love not just for the Americas, but the entire world!

  4. How many more time will take to the press to see the truth we living here in Brazil. Our basically rights, like the freedom of opinion or even to think different from the most are being degraded in the Lula government. We need to deal with market insecurity, a judiciary system who since there start of elections choose a side to support. The Senate has no use right now, the Stf, a high court, is using herself to promote, change and expire laws as they want and then world look a little not to see this all. We are under a process of dictature implant, and it's just starting. People who choosed the right policies are being pressured all times, we don't have the right to have firearms, although the bandits, the drug dealers and stealers surely will keep their guns. Please, someone at least try to help us. Press, try to have a more contextual overview of what we are living and what will come.

  5. They seem to be dancing around the most obvious and problematic factor that got boss Sonora elected.
    The people voted for bolsonaro so why did the people vote for this far right authoritarian fascist?

  6. Lula is a close friend of Evo morales, Daniel Ortega, FARC and Fidel. His last government did a so big hole in economy, serious cases of corruption, was condemned, prisoned and after all that we need to deal with this kind of man as president?

  7. Long live Brazil , Long live democracy , Long live Brazilian people , Long live Lula ,I love Lula , Bolsonaro came to Florida to meet his equally shameless counterpart in west palm beach Florida, USA. He must not escape the judicial process of his havoc on Brazil.

  8. Brasil is doomed, Lula is a facist. He destroyed Brasils economy the previous 7 years he was president. Now he has another term to finish the job. Come back here in 4 years and comment on my comment lol Brasil needs term limits before he stays in power for 20 more corrupt years.

  9. That's the biggest criminal and liar from Brazil. We don't have democracy here anymore. The supreme Court from Brazil is a joke.
    They freed up all the criminals and is charging the Brazilian people that don't agree with them.
    The election was a real fraud and unfair to the country.

  10. The house of Horrors are back! No.. you are giving wrong news!, stop it. Lula is a criminal… now money from the Brazilian population will be sent again for Foro de São Paulo and Inter-American Dialogue criminal projects! Lula is involved with drugs, human trafficking, and corruption… we have a corrupted Supreme Court ..the justices are raping Brazilian Federal Constitution! As we speak.. we have an Indian in jail which goes against Human Rights.. but the Justice will try to put pressure to change some federal law regarding the indígenas land in Amazon where has the 2.9 bi tons of Niobio.. which Lula will give away in exchange of power and money for his own organization! And there is the OIL too!
    This man is a CRIMINAL! He has already changed some laws and will destroy the education! It is all propaganda … nothing good from this organization!

  11. What? He’s always been a communist and that’s not why a Supreme Court judge released him. He is a criminal. Brazilians have been protesting non stop. This is propaganda. Oh my god.

  12. It's such an intense and joyous moment, on so many levels, that it feels like a dream here in Brazil! We have suffered for so long, the struggle since Dilma's coup, Marielle's assassination, and the Bolsonaro years was so unfair that we feel deeply renewed!

  13. Democracy my a$$, the Brazil is kapput, Lula almost destroyed the country last time and he will do it again, if you don’t believe it, look at Nicaragua with Daniel Ortega 😂


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