Resident Evil Village: Winters' Expansion – Before You Buy

Resident Evil Village (PC, PS5, PS4, Xbox Series X/S/One) has gotten a substantial expansion with new story content, modes, and a third person view mode. How is it? Let’s talk.
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32 thoughts on “Resident Evil Village: Winters' Expansion – Before You Buy”

  1. The extra mercenaries stuff is pretty fun, but Shadows of Rose is a disappointing wet fart of an epilogue to the main story. It didn't add anything of note and is more of an asset flip than it is new content.

    Two things of note that will screw you over in the dlc without giving spoilers:
    1) There’s a spot where an enemy chases you that you CANNOT escape from if your framerate is too high on PC.
    2) Make sure you have tutorials enabled for the final boss or the game will not give you information that is literally vital to being able to beat it.

  2. Jeezis why in the hell would you play a frickin shooter with a controler/on console? Are you 12?!
    And it fucking shows. You don't hit a single thing in the video without wildly craning around and then the auto-aim, oh I'm sorry, the "aim-assist" kicks in.
    Un-fucking-believable cringe.

  3. You'll want to have to replay the main game in third-person and the mercenaries to make this DLC worth it because Rose's part is decent, but only being 3 hours it's not worth $19.99. I very much enjoyed the latter half part where you're sneaking and running away, and I won't add more so I don't spoil it. The story isn't great, and the writing felt like it was written by a high schooler just barely trying to get a B-. I loved RE7, but I wish Village either did more or went in a different direction. As a fan of Resident Evil, I am always excited for more RE, but honestly, I don't feel like any of them were that good since RE7 (even though I have gone through RE2/3 Remakes and Village several times). Still, super excited for RE4 Remake.

  4. Damnit what a waste of time and money it’s too short and stupid story and ending and the tps mode should be there in a first play damn it damn it damn it I know you guys loving it but this is what I feel

  5. If they step up R.E "9" with a bit more lenght but still no overstaying the welcome that would be top notch. We need more HUNK though! The R.E2 very high adrenaline run to safety add on was great! And the pumping tunes/ music in the background was cherry on tha cake

  6. Call my crazy but I actually prefer 3rd person when it comes to RE. To me I like being able to see the character models throughout gameplay because they look so good. Although RE 7 was scary as hell in first person


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