RESIDENT EVIL Live Action Retrospective & Ranking [Residecember Evil]

A retrospective on the entire live action movie history of Resident Evil, covering Paul WS Anderson’s live action films starring Milla Jovovich, Resident Evil: Welcome to Raccoon City, and the Netflix series, discussing why it’s so difficult to adapt RE, the highs and lows of these adaptations, and a ranking of every movie.





“Resident Evil 1” “Resident Evil 2” “Resident Evil 3 A_B” and “Resident Evil 4” by Mono Memory

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L I S TE N & S U P P O R T

“Honour Among Thieves” “Cyber City” and “Woken Furies” by Gunship

“Portraits” by Dance With The Dead

“In The End” and “A Distant Quiet” by Traxx

“The Outsider” by A Perfect Circle

“Flying Through The Air” by Tomandandy

“Fire In the Sky” by The Midnight

“The Dead Walk” by John Harrison



31 thoughts on “RESIDENT EVIL Live Action Retrospective & Ranking [Residecember Evil]”

  1. I can't believe these movies made so much money. You'd run down the plot, show clips etc and in my head I'm like "wow this looks like total ass, nobody must've seen this!" And every time you'd be like "this one made an even BIGGER pile of money!" It's shocking but I guess now that we live in the hell scape that is "every movie is superheroes" I really shouldn't be surprised what people will pay to see.

  2. I’m honestly curious as to what the final episode will be. Top 30 Monsters? A Code Veronica Essay? The Winters Games? A Sphere Hunter Crossover? Maybe a personal one about how he came to love the franchise?

  3. Actually, in Ada’s case; she much closer to the games…since they literally had the character’s original voice actor come in and redub her lines because the actor they got to play her ether had a strong accent or was still learning to speak English.

  4. All of these movies suck. Even if I could get past bland characters and terrible writing, the action scenes aren't particularly well shot and the fact that Alice basically has a God Mode cheat on means that there aren't big enough stakes for me to care.

    Paul W. S. Andersson might be the worst currently working mainstream director. When your best work is the 90's Mortal Kombat movie, your track record isn't much to talk about.

  5. 11:28 I hate that the only cool moment Jill gets is headshotting a few zombies in the police station. Every other time she's about to do something Alice upstages her whether it's being about to kill Lickers then Allice drives through the church window, running away from the Nemesis while Alice fights him and her lighter going out when she's about to blow zombie dogs up with Alice doing it instead.

  6. In general, they have some interesting visuals. The action is ok. But the attention to detail is lacking. Specifically, there are numerous occasions where the actors are unable to hold their weapons steady when they are “well trained” or “super strong”. The main character is pretty boring and inconsistent.

  7. 33:18 And for some reason Lisa knows Chris and Claire in Welcome to Raccoon City while in the games she's about 30 or 40 years older than them and had been experimented on by Umbrella since the 1960's. And the orphanage is taken from the RE2 remake where Chief Irons would bring kids for the Birkins to experiment on.

  8. 38:25 They claimed it was set in the world of the games but Umbrella was shut down in 2003 in the games but is still going in 2036 in the show. It was also more like a CW teen drama about Jade and Billie than anything. To me it was a generic zombie apocalypse story Netflix put the Resident Evil name on to sell it.

  9. Fanbois think they want the game they played on the big screen but don't realize that would be disappointing. So changes must be made for a number of reasons, including showing a new plot, not rehashing a plot the players have already seen

  10. Is not hard to understand why most of these movies fail, they basically want the best highlights and twists and story reveals all at once without earning them. Best example of it done right was when after 16 or something movies captain america finally picks up thors hammer and when he FINALLY says avengers assemble, but without the slow build up that moment is nothing, same with all vid game movies they want the highlights of 2,3 and 4 etc but with no build up and they just mesh all yhe stories to get them faster. With andersons problem is that he wants to make his movie and story but piggy back on a recognizable name since his vision by itself would most likely suck. Ehen you put the name of the game i want the GAME not your bullshit.

  11. Idk why they don't just tell the story of Bravo team from RE1. We know the characters, and we know what happens to them in the end, but there is A LOT of room in there to tell a compelling story.

  12. A few thoughts

    The Jovovich/Anderson Hexalogy : I think all the theme analyses are valid. I also don't want to shit on something people worked very hard on, they were all visually enjoyable when I saw them. My ADD was catered to, for sure. However, looking back on it all, I think I always felt like these movies were a lowkey fetish for Jovovich and Anderson. No kink shaming at all, but save for the last movie, I remember feeling like the decision to put Alice in dominatrix-esque gear half the time was… certainly a decision. When I, a cis male, saw that and the "callbacks" of the times she was nude on screen, I remember thinking, "That might be a little much."

    Welcome to Raccoon City – Seeing this movie and having watched playthroughs of the REmakes, I kept having this thought a proper adaptation of the beginnings of this franchise is possible. Putting the 2nd and 3rd games narratives into a single movie is possible. However, the Spencer Mansion needs to be it's own movie. There's no shame in starting small like that.

    Also, Matt. Tell us what you really think. I don't think I've heard you swear that much in all your other videos, haha!

    The Netflix Series – Honestly, same thoughts. Although, I didn't make it past the second episode, it tired me out that quick. It also kind of annoyed me and I immediately turned on Markiplier's REmake 3 playthrough afterwards.

  13. I love em obsessed ive had marathons watching all 6 makes it so much better makes you think more about certsin things they didnt explain helps to figure it out on your own Milla did say you have to have an open mind. In the final chapter people say oh didnt charles ashford create no they never said that in RE2 angela said he found a way to make him stronger. After issacs killed james obviously after taking control he was able to hire other scientists to helo him keep up with the viruses. And Angels you can say died or got lost from the convoy apart of carlos and Claire as he explains to Alice just not in full detail. But i think the reason the re reboot didnt do well is because these movies paul had made have a certain magic to it they work very well. Retribution is pure fun the movies at its best i love the last 3 in the series the most i really want a legacy sequel milla is open to returning it would be huge make it a story about explaining where all the survivirs are frim retribution jilla leon ada and chris. Have claire return and alice but alice wont have as big of a role think of it as scream 5 legacy characters but you will see alice a little more than sidney was in that lol. And bring code Veronica into it the long lost ashford brother is reviving Angela the same manner as alexia in the games she will remember alice but be ti consumed by the t virus she will try to kill everyone. But i think the real wesker was always selfish i think he was waiting fir umbrella to fall standing by watching alot of this unfold. All the clones have a link a connection. I think this real wesker is gonna try to spread the urobros virus to make the world like him trying to destroy the airborn anti virus alice spread. Alot of the characters would soend alot of time apart but all the events going in between them brings them to rockfort island where claire and chris are as well. I like to think of it as veronica re4 and re5 mix. Use this legacy sequel to wrap up all the characters that deserve a proper ending im sure plenty will die but at leadt they will be wrapped up. Even Paul wrote a line in final chapter from issacs clone to wesker "i hope you didnt leave any other loose ends" then que the beating music he did what he could with whay the studio would give him. But he winked at us saying they could still be out there.

  14. Resident evil 9 out of 10
    Resident evil Apocalypse
    7 out of 10
    Resident evil Extinction
    8 out of 10
    Resident evil Afterlife
    7 out of 10
    Resident evil Retribution
    8 out of 10
    Resident evil the final chapter 8 out of 10


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