Rescued Tiny Kitten Grows Up Learning How To Be a Good Boy By Big Dog

#rescuedkittens #straycat #dogreaction
Raising a Rescued Tiny Kitten with a 100 Times Larger Dog
My Border Collie Meets New Tiny Kitten for the First Time!
My Dog Reacts to the Cat Rescued from Brink of Death
Introducing My Dogs to New Cat


31 thoughts on “Rescued Tiny Kitten Grows Up Learning How To Be a Good Boy By Big Dog”

  1. This whole journey with SOLA and Jerry has been so heart warming. The way they played together and shared the space, and of course SOLA's diary has been so funny too. I am looking forward to the last chapter of Jerry's time with the doggies.

  2. 막컷에 갑자기 고개를 엄청나게 회전시키는 솔라의 퍼포먼스에 터짐….. ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
    아… 드디어 제리의 현생 모습을 볼 수 있는 건가요? 평생 가족을 만나 잘 지내고 있을지 기대가 되네요.

  3. Honestly this makes me so sad you are giving Jerry to a new home. I have enjoyed these stories and videos and watching everyone bond. Maybe you weren’t that attached if you knew from the outset he was a foster but your dogs don’t understand that. I wish you and your family all the best and hope we can get some updates on Jerry. ❤

  4. There’s actually a weird US law that if someone trespasses on your property with your knowledge(this part is essential) for like 20 or 30 years they can apply to essentially take legal possession of it!!! Or so says one of those lawyer YouTube shows. It sounds strange yet structured enough to be true?
    So in summary it may be at least in America Jerry could be legally in the clear. Still I don’t think SOLA would be able or even have interest in stopping the little guy. It’s dog time and perception of time so I think Jerry is all in the clear here.

  5. 앙금이 찐빵이때도 그렇고 지금 치킨너겟 쩨리한테도 다정한 솔라를 보며.. 우리 솔라도 쪼마난 솜뭉치 강아지였는데 언제 이렇게 멋있게 컸지 싶어서 뭉클해요 ;ㅅ; 보호자님의 노력덕이겠죠. 항상 아이들과 좋은일만 가득하셨으면 좋겠어요. 이 채널에만 오면 행복해져요🙂

  6. 보면서 둘이 되게 잘어울린다 싶었음. 점잖고 영리한 강아지와 세상 까부는 치킨너겟 ㅋㅋ 헤어진다니 너무 아쉽지만! 제리는 또 다른 좋은곳에서 새로운 삶을 살아가겠지


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