Rescue Mission (1 of 2) Immunity Challenge | Survivor: Borneo | S01E03: Quest for Food

Before the challenge, both tribes received Tree Mail where they were instructed to make a stretcher and pick one tribemate (preferably the smallest or lightest) that will be lying on it. They are to choose “leaders” as well. Simulating a real plane crash, the smallest members from both tribes (pretending to be plane crash survivors) will be sent to the middle of the jungle and harnessed into a parachute dangling from a tree. The leaders will then guide the other tribe members to “rescue” the “survivor” and proceed to the “first aid tent.” The first tribe to reach it wins Immunity.

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Part 1:
Part 2:
Quest for Food is the third episode of Survivor: Borneo.
Challenge: Rescue Mission
Winner: Pagong

Both tribes received Tree Mail informing them of their upcoming Immunity Challenge. The note informed them that they had to build a stretcher that would be able to carry a tribemate. Both tribes started constructing the stretchers and made practice runs.

“ Today’s Immunity Challenge day, so we’re building a, uh… stretcher. Gotta be a strong one. We don’t know for what, but, uh… obviously, it’s a competition that’s gonna determine who kicks somebody out tonight. ”
—Richard Hatch

“ It’s important to keep winning these games because for one, you win the Immunity. You don’t have to go through the brain rush of worrying about kicking somebody off the team. ”
—Susan Hawk

“ In general, we’re a really tight group. We all have our individual strengths, and we’re pulling together. It’s just, if we could get Rudy out of here I think we’d be even stronger. ”
—Stacey Stillman

“Right now, I am collecting stuff to build a, um… stretcher.”
—Colleen Haskell

“For what, we don’t know– to carry our lightest member and whatever else, and through…

At the Immunity Challenge, Pagong emerged victorious, thus sending Tagi back to Tribal Council. Back at Tagi camp, the vote was torn between the eldest member Rudy and the deemed weakest tribemate Stacey.

Rescue Mission (also known as Triage and Mayday) is a tribal challenge in Survivor. Tribes must use a stretcher to ‘rescue’ tribe mates located in the wilderness.

Tree Mail will indicate that each tribe is to construct a stretcher (or similar piece of equipment) using designated supplies. At the challenge, a given number of tribe members will be taken out into the wilderness. The remaining competitors race to find their tribe mate(s) and carry them back to the mat on the stretcher. The first tribe to “rescue” all of their tribe mates wins the challenge.

This challenge debuted in Survivor: Borneo as an Immunity Challenge. Simulating a plane crash, the smallest members from both tribes (Kelly Wiglesworth and Colleen Haskell, pretending to be plane crash survivors) were sent to the middle of the jungle and harnessed into a parachute dangling from a tree prior to the challenge. Tribe leaders chosen by the tribe (Susan Hawk for Tagi and Joel Klug for Pagong) guided their tribe members to rescue the survivor and proceed to the “first aid tent”. Pagong won the challenge and immunity.

The challenge reappeared in Survivor: The Australian Outback as a Reward Challenge, with the tribes instructed to build a triangular structure known as a travois. Two tribe-members played the part of the accident survivors, while the rest of the tribe raced to find them and carry them back, one at a time, to a “first aid tent”. Kucha won, receiving blankets, spices, and soup mix.

In Survivor: Cook Islands, the challenge was used as an Immunity Challenge. Four players untied and assembled a wooden puzzle stretcher then run to the beach. One tribe member then swam out to a mast to free a hostage, then they both swim back holding a life ring. The hostage gets on the stretcher and is carried back. Thereafter, the three remaining tribe members will build a fire tall enough to burn through a rope to lower their tribe flag. Aitutaki won the challenge.

This is the first recurring challenge to be played solely for reward in its second appearance.
Every time the challenge was used, the eventual seventh placer was on the winning tribe.
They were also all male.


2 thoughts on “Rescue Mission (1 of 2) Immunity Challenge | Survivor: Borneo | S01E03: Quest for Food”

  1. I feel like in the earlier seasons we got a lot more down time at camp to watch the castaways in their day-to-day element. I've been watching Australian survivor (I'm currently half way through Season 6, Brain vs. Brawn) and they still give you a lot of the camp down time. It makes the episodes feel a little slower, but it also gives you a lot more insight to the players' personalities and strategies. Which do you prefer? More camp time or more action?


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