Rescue Dog Asks Santa for a Home #shorts

A fostered bulldog named Grape asked Santa for a forever home.


32 thoughts on “Rescue Dog Asks Santa for a Home #shorts”

  1. I WOULD take him but I’m on a fixed income and my Chihuahua thinks she owns my son and I. She barely tolerates our Jack Russell Terrier.
    I had a brindle colored female over 25 years ago and I lost her to an idiot that was speeding down our street.
    She got my sons out of the way just in time but she wasn’t as lucky.
    I miss her so much

  2. If my fiancial situation was better i wpuld love a pet. I could really use an emotional support animal. Were currently lookibg into guiena pigs for me❤❤
    This doggy looks so sweet and i hope he geta a home full of love

  3. It’s disgusting that any “breeder” would yeet one of their dogs to a shelter. That is not a breeder—it’s a backyard puppy mill and I’m asking Santa to shut them ALL down.

  4. The reason grape has health issues is because that color Takes five generations to get My brother had the same exact dog and at 6 months old. They had to put him to sleep because he had a liver disease When people breed these dogs to get what we call designer dogs. It is nothing but a heart ache 😢 I hope mister grape finds his forever home


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