Republicans Wage War on Participation Trophies

North Carolina seeks to ban participation trophies for kids. Ana Kasparian and Wosny Lambre discuss on The Young Turks. Watch TYT LIVE on weekdays 6-8 pm ET.

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“Three senators in North Carolina have introduced a bill into the local legislature that would ban participation trophies for children.

“Youth sports or other youth recreation activities operated under the authority of a local government shall not include awards for participants based solely on their participation in the sport or other activity,” the proposed bill said. “Awards provided in connection with the activity, if any, shall be based on identified performance achievements.”

The senate bill—catchily named “An Act to Prohibit Awards In Youth Recreation Activities of Local Governments Based Solely on Participation”—would amend North Carolina’s General Statutes to include the ban. It’s sponsored by Republicans Tim Moffitt, Bobby Hanig, and Eddie Settle.”*


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48 thoughts on “Republicans Wage War on Participation Trophies”

  1. 2:35 maybe you have the the doom in the bag, but think of selling a vision. Do you have a vision? Do you reject a vision? Do you limit your vision? Expand your vision. Share your vision. My vision is a world without suffering and without an existential crisis of our own making looming. I believe it can be done. Those of us privileged with better lives must reach out to those born into cruelty and neglect without concern for our own selves, driven only by our compassion. Easier said than done, but that's my dream. That's a life worth looking back on.

  2. In order to improve the material conditions, you first have to ban the trophies. That way people will feel they need to earn things, and hence they will work high-paying jobs, and that will reduce poverty.

    You don't need to do something that directly impacts a problem, you can sometimes remedy it better by taking an indirect step. Like for example, if you hate that your restaurant is full of smoke, you "could" just take a big fan and blow the smoke out the window, but it would be more effective to just ban smoking, even though it doesn't actually affect any of the smoke in the restaurant right now.

  3. Can't be the only one that is disturbed by the fact that they're getting away passing laws just banning anything that doesn't conform to their personal beliefs? Do we really want to be told by government how to run our personal affairs? There needs to be push back on everything Republicans try to outlaw. It starts small, and will get more and more heavy-handed over time. These dickheads need to stay out of the raising of our children, it's their strategy to try and infiltrate and see if they can't legislate children into becoming more conservative. It's bullshit and we should always be on the defensive.

  4. American exceptionalism strikes again. Only the most exceptional kids can get a ribbon while the undesirable losers deserve nothing. Can you see another divisive idea being introduced into society? This is how the colonial punishment and reward system is intended to divide the people up into controllable pieces. Beware.

  5. God forbid we have inclusiveness and reward kids who might not be naturally athletic and excel in sports, but are out there showing up, doing the work and doing their best for the team. There also are handicapped kids who love to be included on sports teams,, clubs etc..they know they'll never be the MVP but the inclusiveness does wonders for their mental health and happiness… They don't care about our children's mental health or teaching love,, compassion and acceptance,, that's been painfully obv. It's all brainwashing BS to encourage a form of supremacy over others. Takes the team out of sports and puts the emphasis on the MVPs. Idk if my opinion matters but why in the F is our government running interference in school sports now?

  6. I think you had it the whole story when you talked about it being a distraction. Basically they don't don't care about participation trophies. There's maybe some of them who thinks they're dumb, but they don't really care. They just what the discussion to be around that, because they can safely discuss that issue, instead of on actual societal issues.
    Also it is such a dumb topic that it easily sticks in the mind. It's like when you here a catchy song and it just gets stuck in your head.
    There is no real debate whether or not there should be a law that prohibits participation trophies, its just a distraction.

  7. So much for the small government debate for Republicans. From the raising of children to what they can learn about in school, Republicans are fascists.

  8. Please do get rid of them. Participation trophies were only given to kids because PARENTS DID NOT WANT TO BE PARENTS and TEACH their children the DIFFERENCE BEING A WINNER and GOOD LOSER. We have the best example right now of a PARTICIPATION TROPHY CHILD, the sacrificial lamb of TRUMP.

  9. No big deal, love my TYT, but I wonder if there is a disconnect between "Trans can play the opposite sexes sports (and possibly dominate) because who cares, it's all for fun" and then turn around and say "No participation trophies because this is to be taken serious for the winners!" I'm okay with both but it should be consistent. All that matters to me is that there is a safe place for kids to have fun and not feel intimidated to stay active and healthy due to over competitive type people (in general).

  10. Same republicans that hate these trophies and believe they created adults who can’t take the L are the same republicans crying about losing elections 🙃

  11. My son got a participation trophy and flung it into the garbage. Not acceptable to get a trophy for failing.. get to work and improve and EARN a trophy. Trust me, it will mean a lot more to you. Just ignore the noise about this crap

  12. Seriously, if there are studies that show that participation trophies are harmful, it is fair game. Otherwise, give me a break. We are not talking about celebrating failure here. We are not talking about saying it's okay to fail at something. These trophies are there to allow less than stellar children a chance to experience once in a while what it is to win something. The key word here is once in a while. If they are given at every event, if they replace normal achievement trophies, than the concept has been pushed too far. Otherwise, come on! Children need encouragement. Positive reinforcement. Big difference!

  13. Back in the 80s, kids got trophies during sports for just participating on presentation night. Just the one. this is not unusual. Kids who played sports got trophies all the time and they did not need to win the comp.

  14. I participated in numerous types of competition – athletic, academic, &c. When I got a ribbon, pin, or medal (don't think I ever got a trophy) for simply competing, it was kind of cool – a momento for the scrap book and a jump-off point for a good (or bad) story.

    The one participation pin I was always proud of was when our high school debate team made its annual trip to MSOE. It was cool just to show you were there, by displaying that tiny, tiny pin they gave everyone.

    So – under this bill, that kind of thing would be eliminated? Lame. Participation mementoes are in the eye of the beholder. Lawmakers are over-stepping and being ridiculous, by presuming participation mementoes will damage the kids, and especially by implementing a law, which just feels ridiculous (along the lines of what you'all discussed).

  15. I don't know why conservatives are against them. I was raised in a deeply conservative, Mormon community and we got participation trophies all the time. The Boy Scouts called them merit badges, but as long you showed up and didn't stand in the corner, you got the badge.


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