Re:Monster Is Trash

Isekai is garbage. Imagine watching such a shitty genre man, why in the FUCK would you watch a garbage power fantasy trip anime, with a setting that makes no sense, and is guaranteed to have either a terribly explained premise or just an outright ass pull or heavy plot convenience, and thats exactly what you get with Re:Monster, this anime is complete garbage for casuals with terrible taste. I just wish these people would finally start thinking for themselves and break out of this hive mind mentality that they have latched on to. Like who taught you people to think that individuality is bad? Who taught you people to think that it’s not ok to be different? Who taught you people that siding with the popular side means that’s the correct side? This is getting ridiculous man, I just hope you people can do better, and some of these guys wonder why I get so upset or insult lmao, well look in the mirror buddy, and if you do you’ll find someone with white face paint, a red rubber nose, and a rainbow colored wig starting back at you, cause that’s all you are, a clown. It’s time for some self reflection and reformation, you guys. Fuck Isekai. Also it’s late af after a day of hoopin boys, so if the editing isn’t great oh well, I really should start finishing these earlier lmao. Ima be watchin the hell outta the nba playoffs tho, probably gon be some shitposts coming regarding that get ready lol


29 thoughts on “Re:Monster Is Trash”

  1. Thanks youtube for dropping me here, I had a blast!
    First let me say, isekai is mainly a genre for those who want to escape reality, so they couldn't care less about the original world, f the original world, what they want is to live their fantasy, be overpowered, fulfill their every desire and horniness, so it's obvious that this is whats going to happen in most of them. If you are not one of those people, obviously you are NOT going to like it.
    Second, the adaptation is a bit trash, and thats obviously what was going to happen if you read the original material which already lacks details and is mainly a log telling what happened on each day. So yeah, I agree with you that this anime is trash, but for different reasons. lol
    Third, there is nothing wrong with liking trash anime, people have different tastes. I don't go insulting people around because they like something I don't and I expect the same to be done to me, so, please tone down the insult to the viewers.
    Love and Peace, I'm out.

  2. The people who hate isekai are the minority, the reason why they keep popping up is because they are popular as manga. As someone who reads a lot of manga, I’ve read about half the isekais coming out and their rating are around 4.6/5 (not my rating but everyone else’s)

  3. Wouldn't surprise if the new author will create the title "reincarnate as a d1ldo" like that hack mangaka created trash manga "reincarnate as a vending machine" These new mangaka's try so hard to be original which fails into a generic isekai garbage🤦‍♂️😂

  4. i havent watched it, read it years before, but it isnt really isekai shit, isekai translates to another world, and he reincarnated in the same world…. iirc… so its just reincarnation shit and not isekai shit.

  5. I think you're missing the fact that due to the saturation of isekais, most of these copy-pastas will skip the "dilemma" stage because it'll just be padding at this point. Also, if you're expecting EVERY type of person in EVERY anime to be a frantic, pussy-ass little boy who panics when they're thrown into the world and don't asses and acclimate quickly, then all I can say is don't expect everyone and even media to portray how you'd approach situations that are confusing/surprising to you. It's uncommon to acclimate so quickly, but it's the best way to approach things like this.

    And also, I think you're missing the point of isekais: It's power fantasy. It's all about getting ridiculously OP whilst everyone drools at you. I will definitely agree that it can get borderline corny, and in fact this anime is in times cringe and just too basic without any interesting plot, but it's also a different flavour.

    BTW, this is coming from someone who also thinks the genre is way too oversaturated and absolutely hates how the copy-pasta just keeps happening with just a tiny bit of twist on theme/lore.

  6. I love a little bit of Isekai anime that were going for this storyline played out like you explained in the video, died, & gone to another dimension or world, but when it’s been re-used over & over many times before, gets repetitive, uninteresting, & boring.

    I don’t think I’ll be watching this anime.
    It’s yikes for me coach.

  7. Hates isekai for being repeat with OP MC, same goes to RPG.
    Why do you think most isekai are theme around games and Fantasy world. 😂

    Also Re:Monster books are way older than solo leveling.
    I also don't like the phasing of the anime.

  8. It's still a bit better than those terrible paced and oversexed regression manhwas from Korea, so many people praising the goid writing for the top picks in that genre and after reading them myself i felt like throwing up from wasting time for dat sh!tty garbage writing! Seriously except for the art style everything in that genre is just trash!

  9. I had a whole thing going on i was gonna comment about you not understanding it or what not, but instead i'll dumb it all down to.
    Read the Manga, you never read it, that much is clear, you only watched the anime, and this is an anime Adaptation, things will get skipped, things will get glanced over, but the Manga is very well paced, and explains majority if not All of your "complaints" which i instead depict as biased whining.

    But what stood out most to me in this 8 minutes of biased b*tching…You're calling him EATING other LIVING BEINGS to gain their powers as UNORIGINAL?! Are you mentally sane??
    And you saying Isekai enjoyers are not being nice to YOU??? You're part of the biased smoothbrains who is sh*tting on Isekais simply from the premise of it being an Isekai, yet you IQ Liberated Rats will hang around all the way up to Season 3 to complain on every single episode and Chapter, GTFO.

    And ending it off with, you're telling Isekai enjoyers to spend their time better, when you just went on a near 10 minutes rant about an Anime…Oh dear gods the irony.

  10. well for me read this anime years ago I just wanted it to get animated when the manga was 2014 so seeing it get animated is really full filling to the one's that read the story plus if you didn't read the manga or light novel His not the strongest by far and his kids can surpass him its just a dude trying to survived in his new home his only broken abilities are him combining the skills he get when he eats the creatures it's all just hax if you think about it not like in slime where Rimuru turns into a transdimentional being -_- people really comparing the two is really not great when one want to take care of his family and the other is a god

  11. totally agree, the first 2 episodes can determine whether the whole thing is a good show or a shit show, at least make it so that it makes sense and Come On, we come here to see pretty stuff not another SHE HULK!!!

  12. I just scrolled through your acc he just makes hate content if he is actually trying to give good criticism he can’t. Because he sees smth he immediately hates it next thing he’s gonna start glazing helldivers

  13. I read this for a while and it’s probably the isekai I have liked the least. Op characters can be fun in the right situations. But Re:monster’s mc is too much in control. Remuru is an average guy who just kind of deals with things as they happen. Rudy is just a weeb in a child’s body at the end of the day, Momonga is trying his best to play the part of an all powerful being while keeping his op minions from killing everyone. There are others but these three are usually considered the best examples of OP done right. Outside of Isekai Solo leveling works because you see how weak he starts and they throw crazy numbers at him.

  14. Why in all shows i watch anime every female or harem girls fall for these mc for any stupid reasons and these idiots explain😒 oh bro she's his childhood friend oh bro she's his boss bro she helped him so many times they fall in love NOPE it's just a fake setup man wake up please none of the girls no matter💩how cringe boring and how edgy he is every girls fall for him but not other characters in this anime world like another male character🤔 in these shows no always the mc how unoriginal and corny it is 😴 also a one or two time he is good to him that's just enough for her to fall in love with him are you serious😂😂😂you people are sick man falling for a edgy cringe mc or any other mc who's so handsome and edgy that makes the girls fall for him instantly😧 i say F###K Romcoms and Romcoms FANS😠

  15. hey king, i want you to talk about that boring game called undertale people act like they liked the game to make people think they have a great taste but in reality that game just sucks and nobody dares to call it out for that but i know you can

  16. This is the First time hearing about this anime not surprised is trash honestly the whole isekai thing really needs to stop at this point because anime going downhill fast is quality it may look good but inside is nothing but trash made for people who are nothing more just plain casual degenerates

  17. Can't believe there's people out there who love and praise slop like Narutrash, generic Isekai, and overrated Shonen (bad ones at that), but will disrespect stuff like Yu Yu Hakusho, Hunter X Hunter, Monster, Hellsing, Katekyo Hitman Reborn and Berserk.


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