Refinery Operations (New Texas Part 42) – Surviving the Aftermath Gameplay

I’ve been hesitant to play Surviving the Aftermath for a while, and as you’ll quickly see with my first playthrough in the “New Texas” colony I have been missing out! I’m back from hiatus but my voice is a little out of whack, so bare with me as I get the first New Texas fuel refinery operational.

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Where to get this game:
Surviving the Aftermath website:
Surviving the Aftermath on Steam:
Surviving the Aftermath on Epic Games:

#SurvivingTheAftermath #Gameplay #FirstPlaythrough


1 thought on “Refinery Operations (New Texas Part 42) – Surviving the Aftermath Gameplay”

  1. Welcome back Steve hope the vacay was fun. and hope you get better soon make sure to get your flu shots soon they say the seasons gonna be nasty this year

    so game notes YAY were back to new texas much better run than old texas 😛

    New Eden = have 8 different types of crops

    all told youre doing solid only real advice at this stage may be to slow up building for a bit let your stockpiles build up especially electronics and components only build once you have a hundred of so of each

    thats it for now, Have fun and keep suriving 😺


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