Red Sea attacks: Houthis need to be ‘killed’ to be ‘held accountable for their behaviour’

“You have to kill the people who do it. You have to make them accountable for their behaviour.”

Keeping the sea lanes open is a “very high priority” and so the US and the UK should retaliate for Houthis firing drones and missiles at ships in the Red Sea, says former Commander-in-Chief at the Royal Navy, Admiral Sir James Burnell-Nugent.

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29 thoughts on “Red Sea attacks: Houthis need to be ‘killed’ to be ‘held accountable for their behaviour’”

  1. The thing is if South Africa case wins the Houthis will be the good guys, it’s every countries obligation to fight genocide and that’s what the Houthis say they are doing. So will need to be careful or Britain will be on the wrong side and may be accused of aiding a genocide.

  2. Can you imagine this guys face if a foreign warship sailed into the English channel and they said sorry it's your rules and if you try and fire at us you'll have a missile down your chimney. What a plonker! He's the reason why this country is on its knees with debt fighting wars we have no part in.

  3. The man who speaks in the beginning I thought he was a post office worker with He's Red top but then when he spoke you could See He's a lovely person? We all know British have done this following Americans crimes because we might need them because were worried they will stop supplying the Ukraine War so we followed knowing its our fault all this is happening the People of the World all no it 😅😅😅

  4. Houthis are evidently stopping a genocide from further escalating. Isr@el are being held to account finally in the ICJ by Led by South Africa. I recommend all to watch the claims and evidences for genocide. Its overwhelming. The propaganda isr@el has pushed is denied online by millions, and they are losing the narrative. So please drop this blind support for murderers.

  5. It’s interesting how western journalists think they’re more adult or somehow superior human beings than the rest the world. Who are they to judge when blind to their own governments grievous actions, the grossly inaccurate state controlled reporting of global events and utterly skewed perspective that they are morally right when commenting on events without taking into account any historical context and ignoring what’s currently going on Gaza namely a genocide. Their arrogant attitude is patronising, condescending and demeaning towards “the other side” when they’re supposed to be impartial and objective. It’s an indirect way for them to subjugate others who they see as intellectually and racially inferior and once you do that you can “justify” your acts of aggression towards them. “We will punish you, if you don’t bend to or will”. This was and seems it still is the attitude of imperialists and colonialists.


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