Red /Green Trafalgar Law! BROKEN Best Deck?! Or OVERRATED Pick?! Let's Discuss! One Piece Card Game!

We’re about to dive deep into what makes Red Green Law as well as why you may want to think harder about whether to sleeve it up or not!

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21 thoughts on “Red /Green Trafalgar Law! BROKEN Best Deck?! Or OVERRATED Pick?! Let's Discuss! One Piece Card Game!”

  1. Law is a beast to play against. It feels like an absolute war/grind just to barely win, and that's IF I manage to win. A lot of times, Law get's going and there's just nothing you can do to come back.

    Law's weakness is against mono red decks IMO and I don't have one atm so that might be part of why I struggle against him. Regardless of your leader, if you are facing Law, you have to attack their board relentlessly. There is also a balancing act of maintaining your card advantage because Law will usually outlast other decks if he get's his engine going.

  2. I played against Law when I was trying out a Kid deck and my opponent ran laps around me. I'd love to try building a Law deck but that would mean having to take apart my Zoro and Kid decks since the main playpieces of both are so expensive (Zoro/Luffy/Jet Pistol and Law blocker). Also I feel like if you were running Momo that'd also be a good excuse to run a couple SEC Yamatos since that card is searchable by Momo

  3. Yeah this encapsulates my thoughts on the deck

    If your board gets swung on repeatedly or on-play KOd a lot it basically feels like playing a no-lead deck sometimes.

    But whenever you open good it feels like a stomp, no in between though

  4. While i do think law probably has the best matchup across the board , i do think you go have some bad draws during a big tournament which eventually could end up in losses. Also good players arent going to attack law but just focus board and then your hand is most likely very small without multiple searchers

  5. Played a Law against my Kid this week and it was such a frustrating matchup. There were so many times I thought I had board advantage and he kept on seeing his event cards to wipe my support.

  6. I played law at a few locals and the keido matchup is so bad if he has a good hand with the stage etc., also the kid matchup is not favorable. kid will always stop you from building a board. i also do not think that the doffy tempo matchup is favorable because he spams big guys to overwhelm you and he has better board control than law. always a scary game if doffy opens perona.
    law is a lot of fun, however, and it is a very cool concept to shamble your onplays and access both red and green card pools.

  7. Funnily enough I've found the Blurple Kaido is an even bigger natural counter than Mono Purple because it can match pace much better with more board clear and better counter power.

    Still, Law has been taking events left and right in the past two weeks now that people are settling in and getting their playsets (including a streamed webcam box tourney where it beat Kaido in the finals). I genuinely think it should be regarded as a top deck. It has similar pacing to Zoro with better search than Doffy and a higher ceiling than Kid. Board removal hurts, but most good Law players hold their beaters with Rush to combo with 5-cost Law late, and they're right back to outpacing again.

  8. My experience maining Law is I only truly struggle vs Kid. I end up mostly going 60/40 v. Zoro, 70/30 v. Kaido. Kid is probably the toughest matchup because the ability to tap down cards I want to protect and swinging with Hawkins if they run it.


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