Reclaiming Surrendered Ground from Our Oppressors

We are encountering a historic level of oppression and tyranny by those who consider themselves as superior; those who consider themselves superior even to God. It is enough!!! The time is now for us to get strong in God’s mighty power and reclaim surrendered ground from this evil oppression!
That is why we are calling all Special Forces Prayer Warriors to join together for “90 Days to Liberty,” which begins Monday, February 27 and goes to Pentecost (May 28). Together, we are calling for a worldwide Holy Spirit Revival!!

We are thrilled to bring Dr. Dan Schneider on the Grace Force to share his expertise on liberation through the Power of the Holy Spirit.
90 Days To Liberty:
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41 thoughts on “Reclaiming Surrendered Ground from Our Oppressors”

  1. Quid significat Liber Christo? Does it mean Book FOR Christ or FREE for Christ? Just curious. It seems ambiguous. Will make the novena to Our Lady of Perpetual Help and daily rosary for the 90 days. Thanks for the tip.

  2. Good evening Fr.! Doug And the famous Dr Snyder! I’d like to hear him speak can’t wait for his book. God bless all of you the Lord knows who he wants to lead us all three you are great men. If only the church had more men!! Like you three, the Catholic Church would be so strong praying for all of you 🙏🏻❤️✝️🕯📿🕊

  3. The end of Satan's rule on earth will start with global fake peace and destruction of antichrist who is not a man but world's religions so called Christian to some degree we're already seeing it. This channel will be a part of that symbolical antichrist who is a part of the symbolic prostitute that seats on many waters representing all false religions or the bible call it false prophet

  4. Doug your point was spot on, I for one struggle not with my want for God but my need for the church. I miss the One True Faith but I don't miss the corruption the politics and the wokeness. The church is the one piece I am going to miss out these 90 days. I love the book Fr. it is well put together, but the Church is going to be missing. Especially now that the pope has done what he has. I wanted to do TLM, Cradle Catholic but struggling with the church.

  5. You have wonderful guests who have important information to impart. Father Heilman, please pray on the refraining from commenting so frequently and even sometimes — interrupting — your guests.

  6. Father, please put SC in your prayers, we have become an abortion destination of the southeast. Our senate is getting ready to vote……again. On the human life protection act. Our rates here have doubled since the sc Supreme Court have started legislating from their bench. 😢

  7. USGF at 5;52 time. Q:. What do you mean Dr SNYDER that it was the dirty works of RC? Most that looked like an RC Videos are really either impostors ORTHODOX TRADITIONAL CATHOLIC who hated the HOLY POPE. REVELATION 13;11. Others are modifying the Words of Prophecy of the Legitimate with Bishop's Imprimatur on "REVELATION MARY". REV 13;11. Modifying Words of other SAINTS in such a way favorable to the EVANGELICAL'S man-made False Prophecy that will cost their souls They made the Analysis of the Words of the Blsd MOTHER and the Saints against the Holy POPE and the ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH who in turn becomes the DAUGHTER of ZION of the End Time due to the pregnant-like-pain she has due to the many who hated her. MICAH 4;10-12. Lord JESUS Said to FAST and PRAY to take off deaf souls, or difficult to exorcise.

  8. Now is the time to take a stand so I pray that Catholic men and women would do a Lenten Fast from Anti-Christ Pope Francis and stay away from every modernist church and efeminate priest and send no money for a year but send money only to churches with Holy Priest who really seaks to have a Holy Mass and send money only to good bishops, do not support liberal catholic colleges but only schools that teach your sons and daughters to be both Christian believers and well formed Catholics, Even send money to good Priest, good Churches and good Bishops that are in a other city or state.Instead going into the Church of death gather in the parking lot with other true Catholics and pray the complete Rosary seeking our lady's help.Catholics wake up, you are in real battle with the evil one and you will loose your Church and your Children if you do not fight back. Latin Rite Catholics and and all Christ loving conservative Catholics must have unity, holiness, and much prayer for this battle. Jesus is standing at the door knocking, open the door Catholics let him in, read chapter 3:14-22 from the Apocalypse or Revelation to the angel of the Church in Laodicea for we have all become Laodiceans, the Church has become lukewarm, prideful at best and wreched, miserable, poor, blind and naked at worst. Jesus gives us the answer buy from him gold refined by fire so we may become rich in the spirit and clothed in white garments and the shame of our nakedness will be revealed Jesus says to anoint our eyes with eye solve so that our eyes may be opened so that you may see. Jesus says as many as he loves he will reprove and discipline, therefore be zealous and repent, pray and fast like ancient Catholics this Lent, eat only water and bread on Wed. and Friday and vegies and water or juice on the other days, Sundays are a free day and please give the food you did not eat to the poor and homeless. Jesus is standing at your door knocking let him in, you Church is not sick because of Francis or the Clergy your Church is sick because you are no longer a Holy Church, Every one of us who claims to follow Jesus Christ must repent deeply, pray deeply, read the scriptures with hunger and live Holy lives of humilty, faith, hope and love. Remember our real enemy is not Francis no our enemy is the Devil who has possessed him and the vatican so please get Fr Chad Rippergers book Deliverance prayers for the Laity and everyone please flood the Vatican with deliverance prayers, think of it if a million Catholics daily prayed prayers of Deliverance over the Vatican and your Priest's and Bishops. God bless you all.


  9. Yes, I hear you,. At the beginning, in 2020 but more so in 2021, I understood … This is like LEPANTO. Our Lady Help of Christians Pray for us. This is the fight "seen " 100 years ago. "St Peters will almost be destroyed, but it's the laity who will fight and save The Church".
    T. Qld . Australia. (Watching now early Friday 24th Feb). Joining you, in Spirit for the 90 days)

  10. There's a holy spirit chaplet that can be prayed on the franciscan rosary that I think is really powerful.


    The Chaplet is a beautiful prayer form: it invites you to enter into profound meditation during your recitation. The Chaplet of the Holy Spirit can help you meditate on 10 mysteries about the influence of the Holy Spirit and Its presence in the Gospel and in your life. Invoke the Holy Spirit, and allow It to work within your heart to transform you!

    How to Recite the Chaplet of the Holy Spirit? 

    The Chaplet Structure

    You can use a regular rosary, the same one used to pray The Holy Rosary. But there exists another version of the Chaplet of the Holy Spirit which is prayed using a special rosary composed of one set of seven beads. 

    You begin the prayer with the signing of the cross, then say:

    One ‘Apostles’ Creed’;

    One ‘Our Father’;

    Three ‘Glory Bes’

    Each decade of the Rosary is associated with a mystery. Starting each decade:

    You announce the mystery upon which you will meditate;

    On the 10 small beads, you invoke the Holy Spirit by repeating:

    “Come Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of your faithful and kindle in them the fire of your love.”

    On the large bead, you say:

    “Send forth your Spirit and they shall be created. And You shall renew the face of the earth.”

    At the end of the Chaplet prayer, you can pray to the Lord with the following words:

    “O God, Who by the light of the Holy Spirit instructs the hearts of the faithful, give us, by the same Holy spirit, a love and relish for what is right and just, and a constant enjoyment in His consolation. Through Christ our Lord.  Amen.”

    The 10 Mysteries of the Holy Spirit

    The 10 mysteries of the Holy Spirit are divided into two groups of 5 mysteries, both of which make up an entire Chaplet prayer (a rosary of five decades allows you to meditate on 5 mysteries). You recite the two Chaplets successively, or, if you prefer, you can choose to pray one decade (and meditate on one mystery) a day. 

    The first group of mysteries:

     Mary is possessed by the Holy Spirit through the Incarnation;

    The Holy Spirit descends on Jesus during His baptism;

    The Holy Spirit leads Jesus into the desert;

    Jesus Promises the Holy Spirit;

    The Holy Spirit Comes at Pentecost.

    The second group of mysteries:

    The Holy Spirit in the Holy Trinity

    The Holy Spirit in the Lord Jesus Christ

    The Holy Spirit in the Virgin Mary

    The Holy Spirit in the Church

    The Holy Spirit in every baptised person

  11. Our Father continue to Bless and protect all 3 of you through the Immaculate Heart of Mary in the name of Our Lord Jesus Christ.
    Your show is excellent and informative as usual. You are definitely living in the Divine Will of Our Father. Thank you for your instruction and encouragement. God Love You.🙏🕊🙏

  12. Thanks Fr. Heilman, Dr. Schneider, & Doug for this informative video on prayerful things to do in these dangerous times. My mother knew of a processed person when she was in high school so I knew about procession and some of the things that the priest did too get rid of the demon. I think this 90 Days to Liberty is really needed at this time. Everyone who reads this please keep me in your prayers as I am still waiting for my grant from National Organization Of Rare Diseases so I can afford the special medicine that I need. Also I am having a really difficult time with fasting. Thank You and I will pray for all of the U.S. Grace Force community.🙏🙏🙏


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