Recent crime along Kelly Drive has residents on edge

Crime on Kelly Drive is becoming more and more common, with Philadelphia police cruisers frequently seen lining up along the Schuylkill River. MORE INFO:


47 thoughts on “Recent crime along Kelly Drive has residents on edge”

  1. I've got some information to give to the police and everyone else in Philly:
    Vote every single last one of the Democrats running this city OUT. If you're a democrat voter yourself and gotta vote the other side then damnit that's what you do.

  2. This is what happens when you people elevate someone like Fentanyl Floyd to
    hero status and vilify all the police officers nationwide……the criminals become emboldened as cops pull back. Blame YOURSELVES!!
    Carjackers need to be executed….either in the streets by the victim or given the death penalty by the courts.

  3. Good news, Philadelphia PA recently passed bill 210636 making it illegal for an officer to stop a car for equipment violations ( tail light out, no doors ) , expired plate , expired safety inspection. It is called " The Driving Equality bill " and was written by Council member Isaiah Thomas . Yes, it is what you were thinking. . . . .


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