Recapping Warcry's Biggest Month Ever

The game is growing!!

Dayton Warcry Club

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21 thoughts on “Recapping Warcry's Biggest Month Ever”

  1. I'll cast another vote to grow the bonfire for Scions of the Flame. (And to drive engagement, of course.) Interested to see how the Blazing Lord performs. I've not been terribly impressed by him myself. (Performance-vise, that is. The model itself is sick.)

  2. I don't imagine that Beasts will get their range refresh especially imminently as their current AoS book is fairly new, so they'll certainly be valid for a few years even if there's an unexpectedly drastic change to their unit designs. Though they'll probably get a specific Warcry warband fairly soon. There is a rather fanciful idea doing the rounds that the range may be dropped from AoS altogether because it will be in Old World, but that seems roughly as likely as the same happening to Slaves to Darkness. The game isn't even a proven success yet and we know that (a) new model support for Old World is limited and (b) they're rereleasing old versions of things that have new sculpts in AoS (such as Goblin Wolf Riders). So having Beasts in both games doesn't imply that they won't update the AoS range.

    Seraphon I don't think will change as much as you expect. The only new units they got were Raptadons and Terrawings, and the only one that will change substantially are the Cold One Riders changing to Aggradons. All are cavalry, which aren't commonly that important in Warcry. Warcry will probably lose Razordons and Salamanders (Spawn of Chotec, the new Salamander, is too large a model for Warcry) and will lose Chameleon Skinks as those are now a distinct warband, but all the basic Saurus, Skinks, Ripperdactyls and Terradons will remain as will most of the characters – although a few of the latter have been dropped from AoS, the Eternity Warden remains on sale despite having no rules presumably because it's a current Warcry model (similarly to the Sylvaneth Branchwraith).


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