Rebuilding the power grid in Occupy Mars: The Game – ep 06

We are rebuilding our power grid by building a transformer upgrade, repositioning some solar panel and building a more robust setup for electricity that will support our plant growth…

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3 thoughts on “Rebuilding the power grid in Occupy Mars: The Game – ep 06”

  1. if you build an ATV by yourself it will be better as the old one because it will move 32km/h instead of just 22km/h like the old one.
    The circuitboards will worn out while being used in the ATV (and maybe other structures too) and charging will take more time. You can repair them at the workbench by desoldering old faulty parts and replace them with new parts found in the cabinet on the workbenchtable. If you never soldered something in RL it may be a bit confusing but its really a fun part in the game.
    Hints for soldering:
    – use Q to flip the board to desolder the faulty parts from the underneath by using the HotAir-Thing
    – use A and D to turn the board to get a better view to the solderjoints
    – use the mousewheel to zoom in an out on the magnificationscreen
    – use the HotAir-Thing to desolder and use the Soldering Iron to solder in the new parts
    – the RED dots are the ones you have to manipulate with the Solderingequipment, if they turn green youve done it right
    – while holding down the mousebutton at the soldering-/desolderingjob release the button at the moment the thin circle is in the green circlearea. (You have 3 trys to make it or the repair will fail.)
    – use the soldeing iron to fix broken traces at the board by slowly moving the iron along the broken trace while holding down the mousebutton to adding solder to the broken coppertrace and make it conductive again

    congrats if uve made it! Now you can (theoretically) also repair circuits in RealLife 😉


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