Rebecca Loos Speaks Out On The Beckham Documentary | Loose Women

Rebecca Loos has shared her verdict on the new David Beckham documentary whilst also criticising the footballer in the process. She has taken umbrage with the depiction of the tabloid scandal in the documentary stating David “needs to take responsibility” for the alleged affair. So is the woman still judged more than the man in an affair? Brenda definitely thinks they are as she points out that no one ever labels men as ‘homewreckers’. However, Janet admits that she doesn’t care what people think about her or her affairs! And is it ever helpful to bring up an affair, years after it happened?

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From series 27, broadcast on 23/10/2023

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49 thoughts on “Rebecca Loos Speaks Out On The Beckham Documentary | Loose Women”

  1. Yawn 🥱 It’s like the “popular” girl in high school wondering why nobody is talking to her at the 20th reunion. Move on,
    Loos (after you make your money from talking about a twenty year old event). Victoria made fun of her …”I’m a PA that does some of the extras!” She said on The Real Beckhams (2004) tv special. Loos got mad and a few weeks later, was paid $350,000 for her tell all (aired the day before Victoria’s 30th birthday)! Someone needs to retract her claws!

  2. im with rebecca all the way she only broke her story as she wss told he was laughing about her with his mates behind her back . I beleive rebecca the affair did happen they were both at fault but beckham had the contract with victoria he broke it thats how much he thought of her at the time but no one is perfect we all make mistakes would of had more respect for him if he had come clean about it then maybe rebecca would not of come forward again but when your portrayed as a lier why should you not put the truth forward I know I would. Beckham is a brand simple as and they will prortect that brand no matter who they tread on I like rebecca and she has not once called or trashed victoria no man is squeaky clean and a woman is a fool if she thinks he is . Good luck rebecca with your husband and children glad you are happy and you are a beautiful lady glad things worked out well for you the beckhams are not the perfect family they portray themselves as no family is perfect

  3. I read a comment from someone and it said that if it wasn’t true, then why didn’t the Beckham’s sue for defamation?

    I wouldn’t be surprised if he did have an affair with her, and I wouldn’t be surprised if she encouraged it.

  4. He didnt have the whole world against him Brenda, just the despicable English. To treat a player of his calibre who played for his country like that is unbelievable. That he would even return to England after how he was treated is what I find hard to understand .

  5. I have not seen the Beckham Doco… but I watched this video & read the comments on here. You do all realise that it takes two to tango… David was married BUT still chose to dip his-you-know-what elsewhere… He Should have stayed away from Rebecca (& any other women he fancied or took a shine too & slept with)… & said "NOPE no thank you, I am faithful to Victoria." So he is also at fault as he cheated on his wife. I have just watched the 'Warnie' mini-series on Aussie Cricketeer Shane Warne… he was also cheating… with Liz Hurley & many others whilst married. A lot of men don't seem to be able to control things downstairs at all. nz

  6. Loved the series! What David Beckham went through was pretty horrific! He showed great strength and courage.
    The affair was only a very small part of the series as it had no relevance in the Beckhams life!
    This was 20 plus years ago??
    The Beckhams have moved on! So should all of you! No one is perfect! Not one of us.. they are the real hero’s who can stand up and face this cruel World of absolute tossers.

  7. I felt they swept over this area ..they spoke more about his they recovered or worked through this time..that's what I got from watching it and I only watched it once but there was no denial or no admitting the affair I felt upon watching it it was up to the viewer this is what I felt…now if I watched it again I may see different .I wasn't really aware of his life as I was younger. I felt it humanised them but got to see Victoria in a different light in her 40s I d love to sit have tea with her now ..they did showcase how they worked through and overcame these times I felt.

  8. Maybe he brought it up because he has nothing to hide! Loo is the only one who stood to benefit from this alleged affair, and did! She sold an unsubstantiated story for money! I wouldn't trust her as far as I could throw her!

  9. David should hold his hands up and admit his affair. It is wrong to portray Rebecca as a liar……maybe a lawsuit is imminent! David Beckham is fame hungry and wants a knight hood. Victoria is a designer only on her eyes. I'm sick of seeing them with their brood… pointless and bring nothing positive to me.

  10. I don't feel this is helping her at all. I watched the documentary and felt it was really lovely. I feel they both handled the question regarding what happened as tactfully as possible. He never mentioned RL by name, nor do I feel he tried to portray himself as a victim.
    At the end of the day, it was down to VB whether she chose to forgive him, and she did. A lot of marriages sadly go through this, some survive and some do not. What I struggle with is how RL is now publicly going on the attack when aside from the people of the UK no-one knew it was her, shes not innocent here either and just as responsible, she knew his wife, she knew he was married so in all honesty she should of said no.
    Now, suddenly, she's doing a talk show circuit AGAIN, so this feels like she wants publicity like before when she leaked the story in the first place!

  11. I think the Beckhams did well to not dive into things. The media dragged out that story enough for a life time so get over it and that goes for Rebecca to, she needs to stop meddling

  12. Mainstream UK Television should Talk about The British Royal family sacrificing Adults and children to Demons in Satanic Black Masses and also expose Pope Francis for his Satanic Rituals in the Vatican.
    This Rebecca Loos/David Beckham is old news and even if true is totally irrelevant compared to what is going on in secret in London and Rome .

  13. He's just another bloke who has had an affair. Alluding to it, but ghosting it is all part of the PR job used to sell the documentary. As per usual, the woman comes off worse

  14. If I remember rightly she sold her story. Morals and sympathy go out of the window. Kiss and tell is what turned ppl against her. I don't really want to hear loos version

  15. I don't know why Rebecca would comment because no one mentioned her name. David denied it years ago but still didn't really address it. I don't understand why she felt the need to comment.

  16. Any who participates in an affair deserves critique. The fact is David very really did, its not the first thing most ppl think of when they meet him, it will be her. The fact is when someone cheats on u its easier to direct hate at other person than your own partner & deal with the fact they dont respect enough not to do that so ppl project. Honestly think its cowardly


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