Reality Check Breakdown: Hero Comes To The Rescue But Takes It Too Far

The best way to handle any self defense situation is to avoid them in the first place. In his weeks reality check we take a look at a man who comes to the rescue of a couple being harassed. But escalates the situation quickly and goes from being the hero to the aggressor.

Martial Arts can mean so many different things to people, but for the majority when you mention the term they think โ€œself defenseโ€ because thatโ€™s what it is sold as

Unfortunately it usually isnโ€™t. Martial Arts and Self Defense are NOT synonymous; indeed the physical aspects of self defense typically represents only 10% of a comprehensive approach.

However, because of marketing and hyperbole, the โ€œWhat and howโ€ is emphasized in training, which leads to problems because that is the easy bitโ€ฆโ€ฆthe โ€œWhen and Whyโ€ are the biggest pieces of the puzzle, and are unknown to most practitioners and teachers.

In these videos Iโ€™m sharing insights and observations gleaned from over 30 years in Martial arts and over 20 in Law Enforcement that will start to fill in those blanks for you.


25 thoughts on “Reality Check Breakdown: Hero Comes To The Rescue But Takes It Too Far”

  1. People that can fight will want to end it quick and deescalate, this guy stay there too long when the other side already back down. The cops might look at the video and charged him for murder if the guy is dead.

  2. Good advice.
    I remember coming home from work one night (in Japan) getting off the train and onto the platform. There was a guy beating the hell out of his girlfriend (wife?). I did the right thing by pulling him off her and subduing him on the ground. She comes up behind me and hits me on the head with a large rock. WTF?
    Made me reevaluate getting involved in a domestic altercation.

  3. hmm i get it, BUT i think its a good thing he practically washed the floor with them, id say if there were more people like that there would be less gang attacks or in general attacks happening cuz the consequences are far too high for them, PLUS the BIG guy was arguing with a woman and was about to start beating on her and i get it with how the left are now a days where women provoke men but honestly i dont know if that was the case but even then you really shouldn't hit women its just sad …unless they are attacking you i dunno with something, i once got attacked by 2 black doods at a corner when i was talking to the police they were telling "why didnt you just give them your stuff ?" that in itself made me think "why should i ?" cops were sadly not professional enough and did not go looking for those guys after from what i know

  4. Yooo, how the hero feel threw two of them against the shutter at the same time had my cracking up and am glad they got theyโ€™re ass handed to them! Earned himself a free pint or two!

  5. This is a great video, and I love the balanced view and approach you take. Thank you for this. I take martial arts for self-defense even though I enjoy some of the sporty sides of martial arts, but I know not everything in martial arts will work in the street. These videos help to put perspective on things.

  6. Largely insightful, meaningful, and educated video posted. In my opinion, he correctly assessed the situation and everything related. Explains everything in a neutral & professional approach. In one word, this was a perfect video.


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