Real reason the Cowboys offense has taken off


27 thoughts on “Real reason the Cowboys offense has taken off”

  1. Why has the Dallas offense been doing well? How about playing a string of tomato cans?

    The offensive line? You have one good player who is injury prone. The rest at best are average.

    Penalties? The Cowboys are on track to be the most penalized team for the second straight season.

    What planet do you live on?

  2. It's getting to the point where I don't want to listen to any podcasts anymore. Every year for 3 decades it's been the same BS! Everyone selling Jerry's Kool Aid. Everyone needs to STFU and be realists until the Cowboys go to a Championship! I'm convinced everyone is paid to push it. None of this matters. I grew up with post season winners. Not a team that beats up on bad teams and chokes when it matters. It's just making us look weak to the teams that get it done. The Cowboys used to be feared. Now they are nothing but media hype! Sorry folks, Jerry can't buy a championship no matter how many people sell his Kool Aid for him……


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