Real Climate Engineering

Look up! You cannot miss it. Activist and campaigner, Ian Simpson, joins me to explain what is really going on in the skies and the horrific plot that has been going on for decades.

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#geoengineering #climateengineering #chemtrails


30 thoughts on “Real Climate Engineering”

  1. They spray us like bugs
    And poison our food,
    destroying our world,
    where we are their lab rats

    ( part of the lyrics of one of my songs )

    Btw, talking about it and waiting for the miracle to happen ,without doing anything about it- won’t change anything

  2. It's happening every single morning over Bedford UK , trees are dying and I've had some sort of allergic reaction to whatever it is but I've filmed it , emailed civil aviation and the poxy Mayor of Bedford , this is been happening for 12 months every day , its time to stop

  3. I've known about all of this for a few years now and I find it terrifying that our weather, environment and us are being sprayed on and poisoned day in and day out.

    However, so many people are waking up to this and I believe Tennessee recently banned climate engineering above the state recently so this can be stopped but we need the right people in power and brave people like Ian to do the work.

  4. If you want another expert about climate engineering on the channel I can highly recommend Jim Lee from Climate Viewer.

    He's been raising the alarm about this topic since the 2000's and has brought cases to court in the US and I believe he is one of the most knowledgeable and valanced expwrts in this field un the world👍

  5. At the start of the interview, Ian mentioned 'C60' that might be part of the spraying mix.

    I thought that is good and supportive to your body.
    Its also sold as a food supplement.

    Does anyone know more about this?

  6. Great speaker. The only things I would say are:- 1. During the second big lockdown in 2021, the weather wasn't so good in the UK. 2. Why are we given cloudy weather, whereas in say Mexico, its bright blue sky and hot? Is it because the UK has always been wet, so easier to convince people that nothing's amiss? (Hope that makes sense!)

  7. However, living in Cornwall, there is an industry – farming.
    With all the farming and tractors, on dry clear sunny days there is agricultural land dust all over the place, and causes less visibility. After a rain shower the air and sky looks clearer. We've had sand from the Sahara desert blow over Cornwall and cause a hazy hue. Just needed to state this but not disputing the guest

  8. It is quite strange in Scotland that we are being discouraged from using log burning stoves when large companies such as DIAGO now have continues loads of good timber being chipped for their biomas furnaces.

    As far as I recall this was intended to be forestry waste, ie, branches etc.

    It is not and has never been.

  9. You blather on about 5 minute cities, C trails, etc. so what are you doing to interfere and stop this “madness “? You say it’s been going on for between 20 & 10 years…. So talk all you like but at the end of this podcast if you don’t have a solution that we can work towards….a working solution then what’s it all for?


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