Reading "Lost Memories: Silent Hill Chronicle" – PART 1

This video is a read-through and discussion of one of the oldest official sources for Silent Hill lore, the “Lost Memories: Silent Hill Chronicle”.

I am reading and showing the English translation by WallofDeath, which can be viewed here:

Lost Memories: Silent Hill Chronicle (失われた記憶~サイレントヒル・ クロニクル ~) is an additional document printed on the reverse side of the Silent Hill 3: Official Perfect Capture Guide. The document is 136 pages long and covers information regarding Silent Hill, Play Novel: Silent Hill, Silent Hill 2, and Silent Hill 3.

The document is considered to be one of the best resources for the earlier Silent Hill titles, due to its in-depth coverage and direct contributions from staff.


20 thoughts on “Reading "Lost Memories: Silent Hill Chronicle" – PART 1”

  1. New subscriber here & boy I’m so glad I found your channel!

    Really find old silent hill lore really fascinating, I got about two hours into the video & love it!
    definitely going to watch this over the course of a few days.

    Thanks for all your hard work & passion for SH!

  2. Finally getting my first dedicated pc soon. It excites me that I'll have a good way to use twitch that isn't my phone or the crappy Playstation port. Hope to catch your streams, nub!

  3. After you mentioned that going into sh2 prison is like traveling back in time, there's a couple of details that suggest it might be a bit of an overthink. The employee office is all modern, from chair and TV to smaller assets. Btw I appreciate your work, very informative

  4. Thank you so much for doing this! I've been meaning to get around to reading Lost Memories for years, but never have. Now I can follow along with your narration and commentary while catching up.

    By the way, for anyone who might be interested, Harry Inaba's given, Japanese first name is Haruhiko.


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