Reaction To Lowe's The "Censorship" and "Westernization" of Lost Ark

Why make these changes when it’s just undoing the artwork already in the game?


7 thoughts on “Reaction To Lowe's The "Censorship" and "Westernization" of Lost Ark”

  1. some facts as follows (you can decide what to do) : steam discussions are censored daily about this issue, Amazon is censoring Lost Ark, Datamined beta/alpha files has no white drops for the initial costumes that were removed from character creation and if you want to play a original Lost Ark game done by amazing korean developer, well. . . NA/EU release is not for you. Many interviewed female players from Korea have given their disgust on this issue and all say the same, nono for editing art that is known as Lost Ark.

  2. "there's a better place for you to see this"

    same argument of the guys who talk to go see porn instead instead… do you realize that this is much more harmful than beneficial? it's like telling someone who is addicted to a drug to go on a more dangerous one.

    that kind just proves the point that people who don't care about censorship are stupid.

  3. I was told i was butthurt and a perverted idiot because I stated I wanted to see the evidence suggested that they claim is real about them being non censored. They couldn't back it up still feel like I'm the only one asking receipt of said non censorship.

  4. Lost ark is a roleplaying game. For the same reason WE are Creating ourselves in this life so does the player Create their character. A game with the esthetics like in lost ark and with the character customazation it has, this westernization is a crime against our own nature and the very direction we are evolving as a spieces. One of the big reasons to why i play this game is because of how it looks. You dont change a painting to fit an audience that fails to appreciate its beauty


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