Reacting to VARS II on Yae Miko: Correcting major misunderstandings through technical demos.

See @Vars II ‘s original video:


22 thoughts on “Reacting to VARS II on Yae Miko: Correcting major misunderstandings through technical demos.”

  1. I don't understand why some people in the comments feel the need to defend Yae on a personal level as if Vars's mistakes about her kit are somehow attacking the playerbase. It's a virtual character. Vars's mistakes in and of itself do not breed toxicity. Even if Vars's video absolutely shitted on and ripped Yae to shreds, there's no need to correlate yourself with a video game character and take it personally.

  2. Ok so here's the thing: I often end up doing the EEEQEEE coz I'm dumb like that, and yknow what?

    I like that.

    Like yeah I could use Fischl for lesser field time, but I literally got Miko coz I really like Miko (and she does a heck of a lot of damage), so seeing Miko more by doing EEEQEEE works fine with me. I've never had an issue with her on field requirements.

    I'd like to On-Field Lisa a bit more these days but unironically getting C6 works against that goal Hahaha. Still – seeing Lisa charge up and go POW is also very satisfying

  3. About that EEEQEEE, I don't even have Yae and when I played with my friend's account to help him clear floor 12 right now I didn't follow that because it should be obvious you need to buff her. Yae doesn't snapshot the totems so the buffa can always be given after laying them down.
    EEE, Kazuha Q E to make sure you swirl electro and not overwritten by Nahida E, then Nahida E Q and then Yae Q. And about the E no iframe, yeah I wish there was but people could just press E when no enemies are attacking just like other characters.

  4. Oh god thank you for creating this video. I just want to put a comment to Vars' video but nah.

    I'm Yae main since release, I don't get it why everybody thought she have so much screen time. Anyways, I learn the gist of her gameplay that you can dash in between her skill animation that's good for positioning/dodging and yeah that's true she's always the one who have the most HP than the rest after 1-3 rotation lmao.

    I don't know why general public thought Yae's gameplay is just E×3 > Q > E×3 Lmao. No you don't do that lmao, if you do that you are just basically digging your own Yae grave. She is prone to get caught with something if you're not careful, she's squishy but she's slick, she's meant to be a quickswap character use that to your advantage. If you do that rotation E×3 > Q > E×3 you will get overwhelmed by her fast movement, often you will get your position disoriented, she got caught with something, she dies and your rotation got fkd up.

    Just like how KokoClan show in his video. Cast her skill > set everything up > Yae burst > Yae skill > go to your on field DPS > rinse and repeat. How hard it is actually lmao?

  5. the way i watched this video before vars' XD went back to this after watching his tho. i am just…so annoyed that people keep saying "character bad" and then the reasons they give are so indicative that they just don't like a character's playstyle. i don't mind if genshin cc's make videos where they criticize a character's kit but they should give disclaimers saying that their view is from someone who doesn't like the character's playstyle. it would be truthful and the audience would know to take the info with a grain of salt. same with genshin cc's who love the character so that the audience can know that the genshin cc might be biased and the audience can make their own conclusions. what are new players (because there will always be new players) supposed to think?

  6. My usual combo with yae in the team is usually 3E->use other character E and Q then switch back to yae for the Q, if her Q is not charged or still in cool down I will just do normal attack and replace the totems and do another rotation, less burden on my mouse and just spamming characters' E/Q

  7. Wow, another "EEEQEEE" video, seriously…?
    Thanks for the fun video KokomiClan. Though I do kind of wish my Yae would hit as hard as yours does. (I'm aware of the difference in constellations.)

  8. i use yae miko with nahida fischl kazuha at the current abyss, and also because of the rifthound i use prototype amber on my nahida. and yae just hit like a truck, the rifthound didnt have any chance to hit me because kazuha can jump higher and yae just move so fluidly.

    My rotation? whatever, doesnt matter if i swirl electro from fischl or yae, and as long as nahida apply her tri-karma, yae will always hit like a truck. So it's basically braindead quickswap team just like kaeya + rosaria freeze combo (there's no need of particular strict combo to make it better, except maybe ttds buff and vv proc). People too focusing on how urge we need to cast yae's burst right after she drop her 3rd totem which is weird. Why dumping such fluidity and forcing yourself playing in a weird, strict rotation while stopping your brain to think creatively, and then calling it a bad character just because it didn't fit your old way of doing those boring rotation. smh.

  9. People arguing over EEEQEEE:

    Me here don't even bother to use her burst even when the gauge is already full:

    I know it has no ICD and can aggravate on every hit, but literally don't care. I like Yae bcs I like to just be able to press E a couple of times and watch the enemies dissolve into thin air. I can 9-stars spiral abyss just fine with Zhongli's E > Yae's EEE > Nahida's E > Albedo's E > repeat, so meh…lol

  10. The level of nitpicking this video has is insane. You take one small section of Vars video and criticize it too hell trying to make him seem like he's an idiot. While you're technically correct, by milliseconds might I add, it literally doesn't matter. Who cares if you have 10 seconds to spare in the Abyss or 50? Barely anyone. It's not a competitive game at all and yet you're trying to tell people how to animation cancel. You know where that skill is actually useful? Call of Duty and other shooters. Learning this skill is like getting another constellation for a 5 star, pointless.

  11. Zajeff is not much different, he often said Yae took 2.5 seconds to cast her totems lmfao and many other false claims… Although I do think Zajeff is the best mainstream theorycrafter, but then again he has bias. Heck, He doesn't even have Yae on his account, and rarely plays her so by default his assessment of Yae is very shallow and weak.

    Here lies the problem, since he's a well known theorycrafter and people are sheeps, people regard his words – or any other TC – as true and fact while actually they're just another anecdotal assessment/opinion, except when he's talking about theoretical math.

  12. This just shows how the average Genshin player's brain just crumbles when facing a character that isn't just simply "DPS" or "Sub DPS", nah, just facing any character that's just not straight forward in general. Childe, even after 2 years from his release is still misunderstood, Kokomi was riduculed for the simple "no crit" thing and people still believe playing Yae is being forced to triple E Q triple E.


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