Rats React To Snow For The First Time


42 thoughts on “Rats React To Snow For The First Time”

  1. Iโ€™ve noticed a few comments about the red around Capeโ€™s eyes. The rat pack and I have just recently driven 7 hours to visit home for the holidays, so the colder environment and change of scenery can sometimes cause her eyes to release more porphyrins than normal. But donโ€™t worry! I am watching her closely and regularly checking for signs of illness, and sheโ€™s doing well! I apologize if her appearance startled anyone โค

  2. If you swap out the rats for guinea pigs, thatโ€™s my life. I have a herd of guinea pigs and they would be saying the same thing help the snow is chasing me and attacking me. Itโ€™s so cold and spicy. Oh my goodness this is what itโ€™s like to live with guinea pigs, except I have more guinea pigs then you have rats.

  3. 7 years ago I had a girl who went on walks to a few parks with me in the winter. Every time I did she'd step in the snow, avoiding dry ground completely. Pretty sure she'd never seen snow before…

  4. I have kept rats too and love them .your vidoes are great but that awful female voice spoils it all for me and have to turn the sound off.rats would be horrified to think they are made to sound like this.


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