Rats in the PM's residence: Why nobody has saved 24 Sussex | About That

The official residence for the prime minister, 24 Sussex Drive, hasn’t had significant renovations in decades. It’s full of mould, asbestos and rats. Andrew Chang discusses how things got this bad and why no prime minister wants to spend the millions of dollars needed to fix it.

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41 thoughts on “Rats in the PM's residence: Why nobody has saved 24 Sussex | About That”

  1. It's no longer a story that the world is experiencing a global economic downturn, I'm so happy that I've been receiving $64,000 from my $15,000 investment every 8 days~

  2. During the heat of the Cold War, didn't Pres.Truman have the White House completely gutted, and rebuilt on the inside, keeping the shell/fascade? What's the big deal. 24 Sussex is a Canadian institution? frontispiece?

  3. So 24 Sussex was properly maintained until the early 1990s and decays over 30 years. 120 years versus 30 years. What happened?

    My theory: neo liberal economics that makes government spending toxic, cutting social programs popular and taxing the rich prohibited. Every PM since 1990 saw the terrible optics of spending on 24 Sussex while warring on the poor and letting the rich skate. Is Neo Liberal economics good? I won’t render an opinion concerning the rest of the economy but with regards to 24 Sussex… “NO”.

  4. The house belongs to Canada and we let our Prime Ministers and his family live in it. It is part of his or her job to live in this residence so I believe that they should properly fix it or build a new residence fitting of a Canadian Prime Minister. I think one of the reasons the place hasn't been renovated yet is the opposition parties always use any money spent on this building as a weapon against whomever is in power at the time. Lets grow up and let our Prime Minster's live in a proper home with updated security and a place we as all Canadians can be proud to provide our Prime Minister.

  5. Just keep on sending billions to the UK ! While Canadians have homeless , mentally I’ll and family’s living below the poverty rate . Great work Canada

  6. It's the perfect residence for the King Rat himself, Trudeau. The Mrs and kids can stay in the "cottage", but Trudeau himself should be forced to reside in the home with his rat colleagues, based on his dishonest and unethical performance as Prime Minister. Actually, they probably would give him the boot…he gives all rats a bad name.

  7. What would have cost Canadians millions during Harper's reign is going to cost billions under trudeau . The deterioration of the house could have started with Pierre installing an indoor pool causing all the moisture, can we sue the trudeau foundation?

  8. The current prime minister has lived on the Rideau Hall grounds since he took office nearly 8 years ago and gets along fine which means that any future prime minister can do likewise.

    State functions can be held at Rideau Hall itself as it is in fact, the residence of our supposed "head of state" so there is no need for 24 Sussex.

    Sell the land, sell the house. If someone thinks it's worth it to sink $40M into renovating the old barn, let them go ahead and do so. For the Canadian taxpayer, the place is superfluous.

  9. Bro Trudeau should just tear down 28 Sussex and build affordable housing on the land. Is he afraid what his clearly wealthy neighbors in Rockcliffe would think?

  10. So deplorable. They should build a new Prime Ministers residence that represents Canada in its design and building materials, it would be a show piece as well as a home. Time to move on.

  11. Why waste the money? It’s an old house and 34 million to repair it. That’s an estimate and will probably triple for repairs under our Liberal government. Turn it into a park. WHY WHY WHY


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