Rating Base Game Cards – Ep. #23

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In this video series I go through all the base-game cards and rate them based on their strength and combo potential. Do you agree with my ratings? If not, let me know in the comments!

Rating Scheme:
S: gamebreakingly strong in most situations or never pass
A: gamebreakingly strong in some situations, very strong otherwise or cannot be passed sometimes
B: very strong in some situations, strong otherwise or avoid passing
C: strong in some situations, mediocre otherwise or avoid passing in some situations
D: mediocre in some situations, weak otherwise
F: complete garbage

All ratings so far can be found in this Google Doc: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1gzE-QwRTxsyb8T-B_y-VHu677-_wFnBUcYHz7I1k3cs/edit?usp=sharing

Intro: (0:00​)
Lunar Beam – C: (0:16)
Magnetic Field Dome – F: (1:12​)
Magnetic Field Generators – F: (2:09​)
Mangrove – A: (2:58)
Mars University – S: (3:50)
Outro: (4:33)


5 thoughts on “Rating Base Game Cards – Ep. #23”

  1. Finally a new ranking vid 🙂
    Don't really agree with the F tier of Magnetic Field Generators. Considering that this card will only be played late game, with abundant energy prod, I'd put it in C tier. Especially in the last gen (with all parameters maxed out), 3TM + 2 plant prod for 20 (which can be steel) is rock solid. One of the best cards to snipe benefactor and celebrity awards.


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