Rare green comet not seen for 50,000 years, visible in our skies tonight

On February 1, a rare green comet discovered right here in San Diego will be in its brightest form as it nears earth.

If you’re in the city, you’ll be able to see it using a telescope.

But, if you head to our local mountains or desert areas, there’s a good chance you can view it with the naked eye.

The green comet is unique because it’s shooting through our solar system for the first time in 50,000 years.

MORE: https://www.cbs8.com/article/news/local/green-comet-not-seen-for-50000-years-visible-in-our-skies/509-533cf414-5b64-4650-bf10-958d768a01d7


22 thoughts on “Rare green comet not seen for 50,000 years, visible in our skies tonight”

  1. I saw that the other night it was the most spectacular thing I've ever seen at the beach in the Norte a light exploded in the sky in front of me and turned into that wet glob of remarkable & it blew up into a million particles to be honest I thought it was one of Jehovah's Angelic Warriors

  2. Y'all still pushing that "comets are dirty snowballs" tripe? Maybe you should consider taking a look at any of the evidence uncovered by the several encounter missions performed over the past 20 years or so by the world's space agencies because so far none that we've gotten a close look at have shown any signs of ice.

  3. I saw this comet this evening and it was trucking pretty fast across the horizon. Beautiful to say the least. This makes 2 comets that I've seen in my life. Saw the Haley's comet many years ago and now this one, which I will never see either of them again in my lifetime.


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