Rapid Review Round 5: Parra Eels Giveaway, Warriors Flying and Manly's Huge Upset

Our round 5 rapid review, all the highs and lows of round 5 of the NRL.

Parramatta Eels Giveaway: https://eels.co/rlgurucomp

Ru Crew: https://www.patreon.com/RugbyLeagueGuru


25 thoughts on “Rapid Review Round 5: Parra Eels Giveaway, Warriors Flying and Manly's Huge Upset”

  1. I dunno, unpopular opinion, Latrell is his own worst enemy and just straight up isn't a fullback, centre yes but man watching him play he barely gets involved like other full backs (Dylan Edwards wow thats a fullback) until the game is pretty much dead and buried.

  2. Trell isn't in it ATM. His head is elsewhere and ge goes missing/does dumb stuff. I'd bring him back to centre after his suspension. Less touches by him and hope when he does get the ball he values his touches.

  3. The way you phrased the knock on "and the next time your team loses because of a call like this"….

    Panthers didn't lose from one shocking call? Or do you think they did?

  4. Egan of Wayde wouldn't look out of place in a blue jumper, however I hope he doesn't so we can rack wins through origin period lol, completely different team with/without him.

  5. Guru,I would like your opinion of the Cows/GC game.At around the 12 min mark Feldt seemed to suffer a minor ankle injury in a tackle.He placed the ball on the ground,clutched his ankle,then picked the ball up and played it with time not stopped.I consider that a knock on.Have I missed something there?

  6. Didn't AOB have a "if you don't win this game you're fired" moment, and that's when the Knights run started? Not that that's gonna happen to Souths, Knights were losing whilst still showing ticker last year

  7. The reason Terrell May played 20 mins was because the chooks played one front rower after young got sent off. You can tell by the pattern of the roosters subs when all the front rowers rotated for each other directly. And secondly Keary isn't the answer, best game this year was with Sandon and Sammy. Keary having a half decent 40 mins for the first time in a year shouldn't cover up for the fact he fails to step up when we need him too.

  8. Weather its a knock-on or not. Thats the way the Ref callled it and Refs get it right sometimes Z sometimes they get it wrong_ thats is just sports and besides it wasn't the grand final…and of course why would you ruun Cherry's ceremony..it was great for thw game.. hey the bunker since its inceptions many many years ago…they still have continueous problems eb obsrruction rule..too. Sports has never been perfect so that is that the game…Cheer Guru. Turbo will be 1 of 2 top fullback with ponga..man i would of got Ponga, Manu but the rain put me off , so i ended up with Talagi-Flegler-Olam, 3 Duds trades, so i realise go for Gun's..i still scored 1146 coach od Star Eden 7. # Good luck trades this week

  9. Really good to hear someone with a bit of presence in the game actually call the shit from latrell exactly what it was. Fucking disappointing. I’m not a latrell fan. Never have been. But Jesus Christ it’s about time the media pulls his cock out their mouths and tell it how it is.

    Knock on forever

  10. Trell isn't helping himself but there is definitely racism behind this media/fan attack on him..there wasn't this much outrage towards players that committed heinous crimes off the field

  11. Love your work Ru but got to disagree on Robbos take. I personally thought it was a send of but Robbos point about it not being swinging arm or closed fist was right and we've seen plenty worse swinging arms just get binned and not sent. To me that incident is more about the debate of intent and nature of the action verses the outcome. If Dom comes in swinging his arm and hits Taffe in a the head but just happens to not knock him out because he hits a different spot on the head or something like that he wouldn't get sent despite the action being worse. Trell intentionally elbows someone in the head and it's not a bin. He then intentionally lifts a player into a potentially neck breaking spot with no mitigating circumstances, still no bin because there wasn't any injury. Both actions at least as dangerous and with worse intent but because of the outcome no action taken. That creates the sort of issue Robbo is referencing.

  12. ALSO, Hypothetically . Could you imaging, a Latrell for Lomax swap.

    Lomax joins a "better" team and is allowed to play fullback.

    Latrell joins a team that he will have no choice but to play well. Otherwise he will end up in the centres which Lomax left.


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