Ranting about New World's Current State

Let’s have a discussion about New World and its current state, shall we? This video is me talking about the state of the game and the players. Footage is of me healing a pvp war battle and getting 2nd place in healing.


8 thoughts on “Ranting about New World's Current State”

  1. First let me say that io agree refreshing is one of the best perk although :
    Refresshing dodge has a place that 4.75 % cdr per dodge if you have it on 5 pice if you'r playing in medium especialy this can be hudge and give more overall cdr assuming you'r dodging on cd.
    I say that you'r under evaluating resilient perk, having it make it so bow / musket wont one shoot you even if you'r running light armor.

    If you'r farming pve you have literaly no downside on having luck gear, right now there is nothing in pve that require you to have any specific gear so luck gear just make you'r farm less tedious.
    Same for housse if you happend to have one what's the downside on puting up a trophee i do agree luck trophee are marginal, but there is no downside placing it sure you could sell you'r stacked deck. with 3 housse you will gain 45 % mining luck you will make you'r money back. And imo you'r "wrong" on the housse utility mate it's mainly useful for free / cheap tp and storage.

    You don't care about azoth cost on travel while being on a 20 pop servor ? (no opr avliable) men i'm on a 200 pop servor (barely have 1 opr a day) and i do care about those thing i HAVE to care about it or ill be 0 azoth real quick. I understand you'r comparison about milk / rawhide but you forget to imply the demand. Either way money sure is "needed" but unless you intend to buy you way trought job exp you hvn't that much way to spend it 3k a week for 3 big house, and what 1 or 2k of repairing eatch weak ? Creating 5k from mob bashing / opr/invasion/war isn't hard at all (i mean literal creation not selling something) I'm just saying that if you play a bit eatch day you will creat enough gold for the upkeep so i don't understand why you don't want one.

    I mean this it capitalism nothing else to add sad but it is what it is but there is hope the last philosopher has describe by hegels will one day stand up from the grave.

    I like you'r content, do what you enjoy dude has long as it dosn't kill you.


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