Ranking Every World in Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance

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KH World Ranking Playlist:

Famitsu interview about Space Paranoids/The Grid:

Thumbnail by the wonderful RegularGF 🙂

Outro music by Nora Q. Rosa!

Music used (in order):

“World of Dream Drops” from Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance (2012)
“Space Paranoids” from Kingdom Hearts II (2005)
“Access the Grid” from Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance
“One for All” from Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance
“La Cloche” from Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance
“La Sanctuaire” from Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance
“The Fun Fair” from Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance
“A Very Small Wish” from Kingdom Hearts (2002)
“Destiny’s Force” from Kingdom Hearts
“Rowdy Rumble” from Kingdom Hearts II
“Sacred Distance” from Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance
“L’Impeto Oscuro” from Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance
“Stranded Beyond” from Kingdom Hearts III (2019)
“Traverse in Trance” from Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance
“The Dream” from Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance


29 thoughts on “Ranking Every World in Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance”

  1. DDD isn't bad just because some nerd decided Balloonga is OP and ruined the game by being obnoxiously optimal. When I played the game and didn't use Balloon Spam I had fun with it. Raising the Dream Eaters was fun on the 3DS version, I loved my King Mickey Meowow. I found the game to be very enjoyable.

  2. I'm not going to lie, I was scared about this video. I know you've never been unreasonable but I'm very emotionally attached to Dream Drop Distance. I had no reason to be scared, this was absolutely brilliant! I especially love the Traverse Town birthday festival idea, that really made me smile because it's genuinely true. I love your assessment of this game as one that tried, whether for better or for worse, and I'm so excited to see what you make next!

  3. I originally thought that Country of Musketeers was Mickey's ascent to becoming Minnie's husband and thus the King of Disney Town, and by the lore of the same movie this would have to happen BEFORE Mickey's work as The Sorcerer's Apprentice, as the MDG trio had been janitors in the palace their whole lives according to their origin story in that same movie.

  4. While it’s undermined to a degree by flow motion I love the level design for this game in how vertical it is compared to the games since 1, as well as how expansive the areas are not to mention how many there are for a handheld compared to the DS games or Birth by Sleep (although like BbS the NPC shortage still stands out). The reality shifts add a component of environment interactivity as well, navigating areas and uncovering secrets or accessing chests.

  5. I literally just quit my critical mode re-run of the entire series when I got to the bird bossfight. I rarely rage quit this series. Now it's definite. I do kinda enjoy the fighting to an extend, but it's unbalanced af and there are too many bad commands compared to a handful ones that dominate and are always the better option. The enemies staggering resistances and some bs attacks really get to my nerves too. And yes, I spent a ton of time in the buddy system with the dream eaters. I do enjoy that part, minus the abilities that you don't unlock permanently.

  6. So DDD was my first KH game. I was HUUUUGE on Tron Legacy when I was 11, so The Grid was what sold the game for me. The fact that the movie's score is not included in this game is a crime.

  7. Honestly I feel like a world ranking for the kh1 repeat games wouldn't be a total waste of time. Perhaps make them short lists as part of another video, since you'll have less to say about CoM Neverland or ReCoded Agrabah than you would for even BBS Mysterious Tower, but I think analyzing how those games handle their worlds is a valid rhetoric to discuss

  8. flowmotion is the worst part of ddd and all games forward. its unfun and ruins the best part of kingdom hearts nothing is more frustiating and rewarding then having to fight on a narrow platform and falling off and having to climb back up and just general exploration kh1 and bbs has so much better level design because you actully have to get certian abbilities or attacks to fully explore worlds

  9. I haven't played DDD since 2012 but I remember thinking the Country of the Muskateers was tight as hell. As a playable world it's whatever, but the idea of it being MDG's past is so damn cool. I guess my mind just skipped over the weird thing going on with Michael there – in my mind, this is the trio's ascent to being beloved heroes, and for that I will forever love it

  10. tron's movies i thought were good though think the grid's concept could've been handled in the dream world better having it be the leftover program from when it belonged to encom but became lost when the world fell/xehanort took it's data.

    i loved the film mickey,donald & goofy the three musketeers as i love the concept of mickey becoming king from marrying minnie/the trio growing to the badasses they became later on,seeing the beagle boys & giving a better reason for pete getting kicked out of his world than birth by sleep where it's completely minnies fault for everything pete causes just for being a bad sport but did show the problem of the sleeping world concept(would've cut hunchback & put it in frozen's spot with how just as bare it is in ddd.) not translating the world as well as they could've with the source material it had as it made me wish the present trio were with sora/riku.(hey i loved that turtle especially his song to trollishly enrage donald into helping.)

    would've preferred the great mouse detective/rescuers down under as hunchback could've been handled better(definitely agree clopin should've been in this game.:3) with how though the series can handle it's themes with how final fantasy had these concepts.(with how bare the world was ruining the scope/lame way frollo went out when he should've been a boss & personally think the gargoyles being quasimodo's imagination could've been done here.)

    while i wish honest john/gideon appeared & maybe added a bit more from the movie(not sora turning into a donkey but would've loved to have seen stromboli/lampwick & the coachman controlling heartless with how his henchmen looked/with how you defeated him in pinocchio's game.) as it showed the bare problem the most did like it enough.

    while the time travel could've been explained better(mostly how it happened/would's personally had it been from the epoch from chrono trigger being stolen.) and was when it was actually convoluted(still easier to understand than any of blazblue's twist.),love the foreshadowing to 3 with the friends illusions/mickey showing up,the organization growing their hearts back which made sense with how they're experiment abominations,sora nearly dying & seeing the world that never was after the castle collapsed in 2 exploring the dark city.

    i really really wish the concept of riku's section being based off 2000(seeing the spring sprite & firebird would've been sweet as it's my favorite segment.:3) & would've loved to have seen but loved this world and the spellicaster going through worlds/fighting chernabog again in his home.

    really loved traverse town in this game feeling like a festival & especially the world ends with you characters(really love to see them/it's sequels characters return & other square enix series added with the door of possibilities it opened.) being translated from it's game well making up for the ff characters needless disappearance(that the next saga needs to fix bringing them back/adding other final fantasy games.)and being where the characters perspectives being handled the best exploring the different parts of town handling dream drop distance's story & exploration in flowmotion the best.

  11. the most wild thing about the Hunchback world is the fact that they really had Frollo go up to Sora and call him a slur

    to be clear, i like that scene because you AND Sora immediately get a sense of who this guy is then, and it makes it more satisfying to see him die later. i do wish we got to directly beat him up though.

  12. Solid work as ever. Well worth the wait! Back in 2012 I was really looking forward to seeing a proper return to Traverse Town as it's my favorite world, but was ultimately left a bit disappointed by how it was handled in KH3D. Yeah it was nice being back there and seeing some new areas, but the whole thing felt a bit lacking. Your analysis of it – especially the celebration aspect – has made me see it from a new light and appreciate it a whole lot more.

    Random observation: it's also so strange/hilarious that all the rooms you could enter in KH1 (but can't in DDD) have now been blocked by boxes, just to make it super clear that those are inaccessible now.

  13. Dream Drop's world selection always struck me as "aimed almost exclusively at 2000's Disney kids." Being one myself, I popped off at almost every one of these, as you say, "WTF" world picks because I saw them and went "THEY MADE THIS FOR *ME*!" Like, Tron Legacy, Notre Dame, especially MDG Three Musketeers, that felt like Nomura was staring right at me when he made that choice. Even the TWEWY cast, while not Disney, felt like they were included to appeal to a very specific age demographic, kids who were growing up with KH, Square and Disney.

  14. 5:00 just replayed the mid point of kh2fm the other day and space paranoids is a copy of the original tron program and repurposed for the DTD

    i will remove this comment if you mention that in the next couple minutes cuz it sounds like you forgot about that which is understandable cuz its like 1 line lol


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