Ranking EVERY Day in Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days

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Thumbnail by Kinode, God of Little Images

Outro music by Nora Q. Rosa!

New intro by Frootoon!

0:00:00 – Intro
0:08:13 – 100 to 91
0:16:06 – 90 to 81
0:24:40 – 80 to 71
0:37:34 – 70 to 61
0:44:29 – 60 to 51
0:58:44 – 50 to 41
1:16:18 – 40 to 31
1:30:07 – 30 to 21
1:47:34 – 20 to 11
2:06:11 – 10 to 1
2:31:34 – Outro

Music used (in order):

“Sacred Moon” from Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days (2009)
“Secret of Neverland” from Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days
“At Dusk, I Will Think of You…” from Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days
“Rowdy Rumble” from Kingdom Hearts II (2005)
“Welcome to Wonderland” from Kingdom Hearts (2002)
“To Our Surprise” from Kingdom Hearts
“Waltz of the Damned” from Kingdom Hearts II
“Arabian Dream” from Kingdom Hearts
“A Day in Agrabah” from Kingdom Hearts
“Musique pour la tristesse de Xion” from Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days
“Crossing to Neverland” from Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days
“Fight and Away” from Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days
“Spooks of Halloween Town” from Kingdom Hearts
“Tension Rising” from Kingdom Hearts II
“Vim and Vigor” from Kingdom Hearts II
“This Is Halloween” from Kingdom Hearts
“Lazy Afternoons” from Kingdom Hearts II
“Xemnus” from Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days
“Olympus Coliseum” from Kingdom Hearts
“Shrouding Dark Cloud” from Kingdom Hearts
“Treasured Memories” from Kingdom Hearts
“Destiny’s Force” from Kingdom Hearts
“Strange Whispers” from Kingdom Hearts
“Riku” from Kingdom Hearts II
“Missing You” from Kingdom Hearts II
“Organization XIII” from Kingdom Hearts II
“The Other Promise” from Kingdom Hearts II
“Mystic Moon” from Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days
“Critical Drive” from Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days
“Vector to the Heavens” from Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days


21 thoughts on “Ranking EVERY Day in Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days”

  1. I wonder if Hayner, Pence, and Olette not hanging out with Roxas in the movie version of Days decanonized their meetings in some way. It's the only way I can think of for why they'd remove such important moments from the movie version. In KH2, you get the feeling that the real Twilight Town trio somehow remember their time with Roxas in virtual Twilight Town, until the Days game clarifies that they all met in reality and that's why Hayner and them think Sora looks familiar. Maybe the development crew thought the idea of the trio somehow remembering the virtual world was cooler after all. That or their new HPO character rigs weren't ready.

  2. I never see anyone talk about the Dustflier cheese. Just bring a bunch of Thunder magic and the static from the nearby Shadow heartless delete a full health bar of its health on contact. Felt like a goat when I first saw it.

  3. The fact that you call us legends for finishing the video is crazy man
    You are a legend for doing all of this
    I LOVE KH 358/2 days with my life and still this would've been such a struggle ugh
    You are amazing and thank you for making this!!!

  4. I will say that one of the best ways to experience days is the manga they made for the game, which if you never read it I highly recommend it and it makes you love the characters even more.

  5. Days was my first KH game, I believe my train of thought was that I had heard good things about the series prior and decided to pick it up, later Re:Coded then played 1 and then 2 and then DDD, an interesting batch of games to say the least but all fun and annoying in their own unique ways.

    Still holding out hope for them to release a remake of Days :<

  6. Days was my first KH game. I didn't finish it the first time because I didn't fully comprehend the mechanics and it started becoming difficult for me. But I was enjoying the story a lot so I ended up looking more about the franchise and it was shocking to me that Roxas wasn't actually the main character of the series. By that time, BbS had just come out in Japan, so I had a lot of catching up to do. It was a very memorable experience for me, by the time I was caught up, they had just announced DDD and after that I followed the release of every new game.

    But anyway, this was a very interesting and enjoyable video. I really liked the funny bits that you added

  7. Your content is premium as always, Pat. 358/2 has always stuck with me. I can never remember liking the gameplay as much as BBS, but the story resonated more with me. I didn't feel much for the BBS trio in KH3, but when I saw the 3 from 358/2 with all the context I ugly cried. I think 358/2 is one of those Greater-Than-The-Sum-Of-Its-Parts kind of games. Going through the trudgery and boredom of Roxas, and also being frustrated when left in the dark about vital information. 358/2 didn't have you watch those three characters with moments where you were allowed to control them. No, you stood in their shoes. You lived their lives. And all just to be betrayed.

  8. Fun fact: You can play as Dual Wield Roxas in the multiplayer mode, it's a little specific to do so and does not feel good since multiplayer is designed with multiple players in mind and scales enemies dramatically as a result, through cheats though you can play as the multiplayer characters in the story and they feel how I assume they're intended to be, minus Dual Wield Roxas who feels more balanced but still really cool since it's that final day that hard codes his damage to maximum hence why he obliterates everything with ease, or so I've heard :v


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