Ranger Drops His Camera In Cave, But When He Looks At the Footage

Is there anything more spooky than a cave? Well, there is maybe one contender – an abandoned mine! Both these things have something in common, which is that they are basically terrifying holes in the ground. One made by nature, one made by man but both are known to be practically overflowing with ghosts, monsters and other scary stuff! From the city made of bones under a world capital to the real life hobbits who live underground, here’s 20 Scary Things Found in Caves and Mines, Caught On Tape.

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31 thoughts on “Ranger Drops His Camera In Cave, But When He Looks At the Footage”

  1. FYI Voodoo is a religion! Not once have I heard any of my loved ones who live in Louisiana call it Voodoo Catholicism like you did! Please do some real research about this before commenting on something you know nothing about!

  2. 2:15 – Looks like a rake or 'crawler', which are humanoid in nature, but may be a hybrid type of being (paranormal mixed with flesh and blood…sort of like the Nephilim in Genesis 6).

  3. the Tayos cave labyrinth is said to extend from the north pole all the way to the south pole, it could be true because there are 2 other caves with the same birds called guacharos in Colombia and Venezuela the old Salesian priest you showed was given thousands of artifacts and relics, some of them were fit for real giants like a crown and a 6 feet guitar, but he got so many things and unfortunately, it got the attention of an English masonic explorer who organized an expedition of over 200 men (soldiers and scientists) Neil Armstrong was invited as the honored guest, the only thing Armstrong said about that cave was that it surpassed the moon experience by a lot, he didn't tell what he saw inside a subterranean city they found 20 miles from the cave entrance, the only picture of that city they showed was the entrance flanked by a 14 meters high relieve carving of a human dress in regular clothes, rumors ave been circulating about what they really found there told by an MI6 agent who said that if the secrets found in there were released, civilization and specially religion will collapse, there is a metallic library that contains the entire history of humanity and this planet, among the artifacts and relics given to father Crespi, are things from 5 different civilizations, Maya, Sumerian, Egyptian, magyar and a unknown civilazation that nobody knows the language, that expedition stole 6 huge wooden boxes filled with all kinds of relics many of them made with pure gold, all of it was taken to a British Navy ships parked offshore on the Ecuatorian coast taken by helicopters to never again be seeing, the Shuar natives had a huge fight with the Ecuadorian army over those boxes, several soldiers and natives died in that fight, now nobody knows what was in those boxes or anything else, the sad thing is that before they left the cave, they dynamited several passages to block anyone from reaching that city again, Armstrong never said anything other than the short statement , he was a Masonic ass , there are pictures of him on the
    Moon showing a Masonic Apron with some symbols, he left5 that on the moon's surface

  4. #RareTopic this is fake, was there a video with the camera falling? Then this was there a flash or light attached to the gopro, did the video continue until it ran out of battery? If the camera washed out by way of water, did the creature move it to the water, because it doesn't appear to be in water that would wash it anywhere.
    If this was a true story, there would have been people heading into that cave/hole in the ground that night or the next morning at latest.


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